Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Δευτέρα 29 Μαΐου 2017

Haemobilia due to hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm

An 83-year-old woman with a history of hepaticoduodenostomy 20 years ago was admitted with upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Emergency upper gastrointestinal endoscopy revealed multiple blood clots over the stomach and first and second parts of the duodenum. The cannulation of the biliary tree with a flexible end-viewing endoscope exposed the presence of blood clot inside biliary lumen and a semipedunculated polyp which, at first, appeared to be the cause of haemorrhage. A few days after polypectomy, patient was discharged home, however, was admitted again with massive bleeding and selective angiography demonstrated a pseudoaneurysm of left hepatic artery. Angioembolisation was performed and haemorrhage was stopped afterwards.


Giant cell tumor in the sphenoid sinus and ethmoid sinus during childhood, and it is thought that optic atrophy was caused by compressive optic neuropathy.

Alexandros Sfakianakis
Anapafseos 5 . Agios Nikolaos




ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Healthy individuals exhibit a significantly higher concentration of faecal bifidobacteria in comparison to celiac patients. Even though there are potential benefits in probiotic usage, they have been little explored as an adjunctive therapy in celiac disease. OBJECTIVE This study aimed at the comparison of faecal bifidobacteria concentration and pH among celiac patients and healthy subjects before and after the daily intake of 100 g of yogurt containing probiotic for a thirty-day period. METHODS Feces from 17 healthy subjects and 14 celiac patients were analyzed, in which stool culture was performed for the isolation and quantification of faecal bifidobacteria. Furthermore, Gram's method was employed for the microscopic analysis of the colonies, while the identification of the Bifidobacterium genus was made through determination of the fructose-6-phosphate phosphoketolase enzyme. Faecal pH was measured using a calibrated pHmeter. RESULTS Faecal bifidobacteria concentration before probiotic consumption was significantly higher in healthy individuals (2.3x108±6.3x107 CFU/g) when compared to celiac patients (1.0x107±1.7x107 CFU/g). Faecal pH values did not show a significant difference. After the daily consumption of probiotic-containing yogurt both groups showed a significant increase in the concentration of faecal bifidobacteria, but healthy subjects presented significantly higher bifidobacteria concentrations (14.7x108±0.2x108 CFU/g) than the celiac group (0.76x108±0.1x108 CFU/g). The obtained pH values from both groups were not significantly different, being 7.28±0.518 for the celiac patients and 7.07±0.570 for healthy individuals after the probiotic intake. CONCLUSION The probiotic supplementation significantly increased the number of bifidobacteria in the feces of celiac patients, although it was not sufficient to reach the concentration found in healthy individuals prior to its consumption.

RESUMO CONTEXTO Indivíduos saudáveis apresentam uma concentração de bifidobactérias fecais significativamente maior em comparação a pacientes celíacos. Apesar de haver benefícios potenciais no uso de probióticos na doença celíaca, estes têm sido pouco explorados como uma terapia adjuvante. OBJETIVO Este estudo objetivou a comparação do pH e concentração fecal de bifidobactérias entre pacientes celíacos e indivíduos saudáveis antes e após o consumo diário de 100 g de iogurte contendo probiótico por um período de 30 dias. MÉTODOS Foram analisadas fezes de 17 pessoas saudáveis e 14 pacientes celíacos, tendo sido realizada a coprocultura para o isolamento e quantificação de bifidobactérias fecais. Além disso, o método de Gram foi empregado na análise microscópica das colônias, enquanto a identificação do gênero Bifidobacterium foi feita através da determinação da enzima frutose-6-fosfato fosfocetolase. O pH fecal foi medido usando um pHmetro calibrado. RESULTADOS A concentração de bifidobactérias fecais antes do consumo do iogurte probiótico foi significativamente maior em indivíduos saudáveis (2.3x108±6.3x107 UFC/g) quando comparada aos celíacos (1.0x107±1.7x107 CFU/g). Por outro lado, o pH fecal de ambos os grupos não apresentou diferença significativa. Após o consumo diário de iogurte contendo probiótico, ambos os grupos tiveram um aumento significativo na concentração de bifidobactérias fecais, entretanto indivíduos saudáveis apresentaram concentrações de bifidobactérias significativamente maiores (14.7x108±0.2x108 UFC/g) do que o grupo celíaco (0.76x108±0.1x108 UFC/g). Os valores de pH obtidos de ambos os grupos não foram significativamente diferentes, sendo de 7.28±0.518 para os pacientes celíacos e de 7.07±0.570 para os indivíduos saudáveis após o consumo do probiótico. CONCLUSÃO A suplementação com probiótico aumentou significativamente o número de bifidobactérias nas fezes dos pacientes celíacos apesar de não ter sido suficiente para alcançar a concentração encontrada em indivíduos saudáveis antes do consumo de probióticos.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Small intestine bacterial overgrowth is a heterogeneous syndrome characterized by an increase in the number and/or the presence of atypical microbiota in the small intestine. The symptoms of small intestine bacterial overgrowth are unspecific, encompassing abdominal pain/distension, diarrhea and flatulence. Due to the increased cost and complexity for carrying out the jejunal aspirate, the gold standard for diagnosis of the syndrome, routinely the hydrogen (H 2 ) breath test has been used, utilizing glucose or lactulose as substrate, which is able to determine, in the exhaled air, the H 2 concentration produced from the intestinal bacterial metabolism. However, due to a number of individuals presenting a methanogenic microbiota, which does not produce H 2 , the testing on devices capable of detecting, concurrently, the concentration of exhaled H 2 and methane (CH 4 ) is justified. OBJECTIVE This study aimed to determine the prevalence of small intestine bacterial overgrowth in patients with digestive symptoms, through a comparative analysis of breath tests of H 2 or H 2 and CH 4 associated, using glucose as substrate . METHODS A total of 200 patients of both sexes without age limitation were evaluated, being directed to a Breath Test Laboratory for performing the H 2 test (100 patients) and of exhaled H 2 and CH 4 (100 patients) due to gastrointestinal complaints, most of them patients with gastrointestinal functional disorders. RESULTS The results indicated a significant prevalence of small intestine bacterial overgrowth in the H 2 test and in the test of exhaled H 2 and CH 4 (56% and 64% respectively) in patients with gastrointestinal symptoms, and higher prevalence in females. It found further that methane gas was alone responsible for positivity in 18% of patients. CONCLUSION The data found in this study is consistent with the findings of the current literature and underscores the need for using devices capable of capturing the two gases (exhaled H 2 and CH 4 ) to improve the sensitivity and hence the accuracy of small intestine bacterial overgrowth diagnosis in daily medical practice.

RESUMO CONTEXTO O supercrescimento bacteriano do intestino delgado é uma síndrome heterogênea, caracterizada pelo aumento no número e/ou presença de uma microbiota atípica no intestino delgado. Os sintomas do supercrescimento bacteriano do intestino delgado são inespecíficos englobando quadro de dor/distensão abdominal, diarreia e flatulência. Devido ao maior custo e complexidade para a realização do aspirado jejunal, padrão ouro para o diagnóstico da síndrome, tem sido utilizado rotineiramente o teste do hidrogênio (H 2 ) expirado, utilizando glicose ou lactulose como substrato, que é capaz de determinar, no ar expirado, a concentração de H 2 produzida a partir do metabolismo bacteriano intestinal. Entretanto, em decorrência de uma parcela de indivíduos apresentar uma microbiota metanogênica, não produtora de H 2 , justifica-se a realização do teste em aparelhos capazes de detectar, concomitantemente, a concentração de H 2 e metano (CH 4 ) expirados. OBJETIVO O presente estudo teve como objetivo determinar a prevalência de supercrescimento bacteriano do intestino delgado em pacientes com sintomas digestivos, através de uma análise comparativa dos testes respiratórios empregando H 2 ou H 2 e CH 4 associados, utilizando a glicose como substrato. MÉTODOS Foram avaliados 200 pacientes de ambos os sexos, sem limitação de idade, encaminhados a um Laboratório de Teste Respiratório para realização do teste de H 2 (100 pacientes) e de H 2 e CH 4 expirados (100 pacientes) devido a queixas gastrointestinais, a maioria deles portadores de distúrbios funcionais gastrointestinais. RESULTADOS Os resultados obtidos indicaram uma significativa prevalência do supercrescimento bacteriano do intestino delgado no teste do H 2 e no teste do H 2 e CH 4 expirados (56% e 64%, respectivamente) em pacientes com sintomas gastrointestinais, além de maior predominância no sexo feminino. Constatou-se ainda, que o gás metano foi isoladamente responsável pela positividade em 18% do total de pacientes. CONCLUSÃO Os dados encontrados no presente estudo demonstram condizentes com os achados da literatura atual e reforçam a necessidade da utilização de aparelhos capazes de captar os dois gases (H 2 e CH 4 expirados) para melhorar a sensibilidade e, consequentemente, a acurácia do diagnóstico de supercrescimento bacteriano do intestino delgado na prática médica diária.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis are the two major forms of inflammatory bowel disease. The incidence and prevalence of both conditions have increased and are progressively increasing. These diseases are frequently recurrent and clinically highly severe. In Brazil, the lack of epidemiological data related to such diseases has left these patients in a vulnerable state and contributed to increased morbidity. OBJECTIVE To describe the profiles of patients with inflammatory bowel disease treated in an outpatient service in Brazil. METHODS This descriptive, exploratory, and retrospective documentary study with a quantitative approach was performed in an outpatient treatment service for inflammatory bowel disease, at a university polyclinic located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, from May to July 2016. The study included 556 patients and was approved by the research ethics committee of the institution (CAAE no. 55179316.6.0000.5259/2016). RESULTS The data showed a high prevalence of inflammatory bowel disease in white female patients. Crohn's disease was diagnosed in more patients than was ulcerative colitis; the ileocolon was the most commonly affected location in patients with Crohn's disease. The stenotic phenotype was prevalent in patients with Crohn's disease. CONCLUSION The prevalence of the stenotic phenotype in Crohn's disease in relation to others demonstrates the need for further investigations in this field of study in Brazil. In conclusion, the data showed that the epidemiologic profile of the study population is similar to that published in the national and international literature.

RESUMO CONTEXTO A Doença de Crohn e a retocolite ulcerativa idiopática são as duas principais formas de doença inflamatória intestinal e possuem crescente incidência e prevalência, tendem a ser progressivas, cursam com recidivas frequentes e assumem formas clínicas de alta gravidade. No Brasil a escassez de dados epidemiológicos relacionados a tais agravos deixa essas pessoas em estado de vulnerabilidade e contribui para o aumento da morbidade. OBJETIVO Descrever o perfil dos pacientes portadores de doença inflamatória intestinal atendidos em um ambulatório de doenças inflamatórias intestinais do estado do Rio de Janeiro. MÉTODOS Trata-se de uma pesquisa documental retrospectiva, exploratória, descritiva em abordagem quantitativa, realizada de maio a julho de 2016, em uma policlínica universitária, localizada no Rio de Janeiro, em ambulatório de tratamento de doenças inflamatórias intestinais. O estudo foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética em Pesquisa da instituição CAAE: 55179316.6.0000.5259 /2016, e contou com 556 participantes. RESULTADOS Os dados revelam um predomínio das doenças inflamatórias intestinais, nos pacientes do sexo feminino, de cor branca. A doença de Crohn foi diagnosticada em um maior número de indivíduos em relação a retocolite ulcerativa idiopática. Os dados do perfil de localização intestinal mostram a região ileocolônica como mais afetada na doença de Crohn. Foi evidenciado predomínio do fenótipo estenosante na doença de Crohn. CONCLUSÃO O predomínio do fenótipo estenosante na doença de Crohn, evidencia a necessidade de estudos aprofundados sobre a temática no Brasil. No mais, os dados obtidos demonstram um perfil epidemiológico da população semelhante ao divulgado em estudos nacionais e internacionais.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND The nutritional status of individuals with inflammatory bowel diseases is directly related to the severity of the disease and is associated with poor prognosis and the deterioration of immune competence. OBJECTIVE To assess the nutritional status and the body composition of outpatients with inflammatory bowel diseases. METHODS A cross-sectional study was conducted with clinical and nutritional assessment of patients with Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Patients were classified according to the clinical activity through Crohn's Disease Activity Index and Mayo Score. Nutritional assessment consisted of anthropometric measurements of current weight, height, mid-arm circumference, triceps skinfold thickness and thickness of adductor policis muscle, with subsequent calculation of BMI, arm muscle circumference and the mid-arm muscle area (MAMA). The phase angle (PhA) and lean and fat mass were obtained with the use of electrical bioimpedance. Descriptive statistics, chi-square test or Fisher exact test, ANOVA and t-test. RESULTS We evaluated 141 patients of which 54 (38.29%) had Crohn's disease and 87 (61.70%) ulcerative colitis. The mean age was 43.98 (±15.68) years in Crohn's disease and 44.28 (±16.29) years for ulcerative colitis. Most of the patients were in clinical remission of the disease (Crohn's disease: 88.89%; ulcerative colitis: 87.36%). Regarding the nutritional classification using BMI, it was found that 48.15% of Crohn's disease patients were eutrophic and 40.74% were overweight or obese; among patients with ulcerative colitis, 52.87% were classified as overweight or obese. When considering the triceps skinfold, it was observed in both groups a high percentage of overweight and obesity (Crohn's disease: 75.93%; ulcerative colitis: 72.42%). Crohn's disease patients showed the most affected nutritional status according to the nutritional variables when compared to patients with ulcerative colitis (BMI: 24.88 kg/m² x BMI: 26.56 kg/m², P=0.054; MAMA: 35.11 mm x MAMA: 40.39 mm, P=0.040; PhA: 6.46° x PhA: 6.83°, P=0.006). CONCLUSION Patients with inflammatory bowel diseases have a high prevalence of overweight and obesity. Crohn's disease patients had more impaired anthropometric and body composition indicators when compared to patients with ulcerative colitis.

RESUMO CONTEXTO O estado nutricional de indivíduos com doença inflamatória intestinal está diretamente relacionado à gravidade da doença e associado a mau prognóstico e deterioração da competência imune. OBJETIVO Avaliar o status e a composição corporal de pacientes ambulatoriais com doença inflamatória intestinal. METÓDOS Foi conduzido um estudo transversal com avaliação clínica e nutricional de pacientes com doença de Crohn e colite ulcerativa. Pacientes foram classificados de acordo com o índice de atividade clínica Crohn's Disease Activity Index e escore de Mayo. Avaliação nutricional foi composta peso atual, estatura, circunferência do braço, dobra cutânea tricipital e espessura do músculo adutor do polegar. Posteriormente, foram calculados índice de massa corporal, circunferência muscular do braço e área muscular do braço corrigida. O ângulo de fase e massa magra e massa gorda foram derivadas da bioimpedância elétrica. Foram realizados análise descritiva, teste de qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher, teste t e ANOVA. RESULTADOS Foram avaliados 141 pacientes, sendo 54 (38,29%) com doença de Crohn e 87 (61,70%) com colite ulcerativa. A idade média foi de 43,98 (±15,68) anos em pacientes com doença de Crohn e 44,28 (±16,29) anos em pacientes com colite ulcerativa. A maioria dos pacientes estava em remissão clínica da doença (doença de Crohn: 88,89%; colite ulcerativa: 87,36%). O estado nutricional de acordo com o IMC foi 48,15% eutrófico e 40,74% sobrepeso/obesidade para doença de Crohn; entre os indivíduos com colite ulcerativa, 52,87% foram classificados como sobrepeso/obesidade. Ao se considerar dobra cutânea do tríceps, observou-se obesidade em ambos os grupos (doença de Crohn 75,93%; colite ulcerativa: 72,42%). Pacientes com doença de Crohn apresentam maiores variações de composição corporal quando comparados com pacientes com colite ulcerativa (IMC: 24,88 kg/m² x IMC: 26,56 kg/m², P=0,054; área do músculo do braço: 35,11mm x área do músculo do braço: 40,39 mm, P=0,040; ângulo de fase: 6,46° x ângulo de fase: 6,83°, P=0,006). CONCLUSÃO Pacientes com doença inflamatória intestinal apresentaram alta prevalência de sobrepeso e obesidade. Indivíduos com doença de Crohn apresentaram parâmetros de composição corporal e de antropometria mais comprometidos, quando comparados com indivíduos com colite ulcerativa.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Gastric cancer is the fourth most common cancer in men and the sixth among women, except for non-melanoma skin tumors, in Brazil. Epidemiological evidences reveal the multifactorial etiology of this cancer, highlighting risk factors such as: infection by the bacterium Helicobacter pylori, advanced age, smoking, chronic alcohol abuse, eating habits and genetic polymorphisms. Considering the context of genetic polymorphisms, there is the absence of the GSTM1 gene. The lack of GSTM1 function to detoxify xenobiotics and promote defense against oxidative stress leads to increased DNA damage, promoting gastric carcinogenesis. This process is multifactorial and the development of gastric cancer results from a complex interaction of these variables. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to investigate the association of GSTM1 null polymorphism in the pathogenesis of gastric cancer. METHODS A meta-analysis was conducted from 70 articles collected in SciELO and PubMed databases, between September 2015 and July 2016. In order to evaluate a possible association, we used the odds ratio (OR) and confidence interval of 95% (CI 95%). To assess the heterogeneity of the studies was used the chi-square test. Statistical analysis was performed using the BioEstat® 5.3. RESULTS This study included 70 studies of case-control, including 28,549 individuals, which were assessed for the null polymorphism of the GSTM1 gene, and of which 11,208 (39.26%) were cases and 17,341 (60.74%) were controls. The final analysis showed that the presence of the GSTM1 gene acts as a protective factor against the development of gastric cancer (OR=0.788; 95%CI 0.725-0.857; P<0.0001). Positive statistical association was found in Asia (OR=0.736; 95%CI 0.670-0.809; P<0.0001) and Eurasia (OR=0.671; 95%CI 0.456-0.988; P=0.05). However, statistically significant data was not obtained in Europe (OR=1.033; 95%CI 0.873-1.222; P=0.705) and America (OR=0.866; 95%CI 0.549-1.364; P=0.534). Therefore, the results can not be deduced around the world. CONCLUSION This meta-analysis concluded that the presence of the GSTM1 gene is a protector for the emergence of gastric cancer, especially in Asian countries, but this result was not found in Europe and America.

RESUMO CONTEXTO No Brasil, o câncer gástrico é o quarto mais comum em homens e o sexto entre as mulheres, excetuando-se os tumores de pele não melanoma. Aspectos epidemiológicos evidenciam a etiologia multifatorial desta neoplasia, destacando como fatores de risco: a infecção pela bactéria Helicobacter pylori, idade avançada, tabagismo, etilismo crônico, hábitos alimentares e polimorfismos genéticos. No contexto dos polimorfismos genéticos, tem-se a ausência do gene GSTM1. A falta da função de GSTM1 em detoxificar xenobióticos e promover defesa contra o estresse oxidativo, leva ao maior dano do DNA, favorecendo a carcinogênese gástrica. Este processo é multifatorial e o desenvolvimento do câncer gástrico resulta de uma interação complexa dessas variáveis. ObJETIVO O objetivo do presente estudo foi investigar a associação do polimorfismo nulo de GSTM1 na gênese do câncer gástrico. MÉTODOS Foi conduzida uma meta-análise a partir de 70 artigos colhidos dos bancos de dados: SciELO e PubMed, entre setembro de 2015 e julho de 2016. Para avaliar uma possível associação, utilizou-se o odds ratio (OR) e intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%). Para avaliar a heterogeneidade dos estudos, utilizou-se o teste do qui-quadrado. A análise estatística foi realizada utilizando-se o BioEstat® 5.3. RESULTADOS A presente pesquisa contou com 70 estudos do tipo caso-controle que incluíram 28.549 indivíduos avaliados para o polimorfismo nulo do gene GSTM1, dos quais 11.208 (39,26%) eram casos e 17.341 (60,74%) eram controles. A análise final mostra que a presença do gene GSTM1 funciona como um fator de proteção contra o desenvolvimento de câncer gástrico (OR=0,788; IC95% 0,725-0,857; P<0,0001). Associação estatística positiva foi encontrada na Ásia (OR=0,736; IC95% 0,670-0,809; P<0,0001) e Eurásia (OR=0,671; IC95% 0,456-0,988; P=0,05). No entanto, não temos dados com significância estatística da Europa (OR=1,033; IC95% 0,873-1,222; P=0,705) e América (OR=0,866; IC95% 0,549-1,364; P=0,534) para inferir proteção ao câncer gástrico no mundo. CONCLUSÃO Esta meta-análise, conclui que a presença do gene GSTM1 é protetora para o surgimento do câncer gástrico, principalmente nos países asiáticos, porém tal resultado não foi encontrado se comparado isoladamente os estudos realizados na Europa e na América.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Gastrointestinal symptoms seem to affect more women, due to hormonal and emotional issues, impacting the quality of life. The emotional state can affect the bowel functioning through a bidirectional communication system between the gut and the brain involving the neuroendocrine system. Altered bowel functioning and gastrointestinal symptoms can alter quality of life. OBJECTIVE The SIM study aimed to describe, characterize and quantify gastrointestinal symptoms reported by Brazilian women, their causes, feelings and impact. METHODS A structured electronic questionnaire was developed following qualitative phase for semantic formatting, and was administered to volunteer women in ten Brazilian cities. Descriptive and Bayesian statistics analyses were used. RESULTS From the 3029 respondent, 66% reported gastrointestinal symptoms. The most prevalent symptoms were gases (46%), abdominal distention and constipation (43%). The main causes were lifestyle and eating habits. Gastrointestinal symptoms affected quality of life in most women (62%), especially constipation (mood (89%), concentration (88%) and sexual life (79%)). Most common solutions were drinking water, teas, eating foods rich in fiber and probiotics. CONCLUSION Gastrointestinal symptoms are highly prevalent in Brazilian women and negatively impact different aspects of quality of life (mood, concentration and sexuality). The bowel is an important emotional catalyst that can modulate the psychologic behavior. Better understanding of the interaction between the gut and the brain should help in the management of gastrointestinal symptoms to improve women's quality of life.

RESUMO CONTEXTO Sintomas gastrointestinais parecem afetar mais as mulheres, devido a problemas hormonais e emocionais, afetando a qualidade de vida. O estado emocional pode afetar o funcionamento do intestino por meio de um sistema de comunicação bidirecional entre o intestino e o cérebro que envolve o sistema neuroendócrino. Alterações da função intestinal e sintomas gastrointestinais podem afetar a qualidade de vida. OBJETIVO O estudo SIM teve como objetivo descrever, caracterizar e quantificar os sintomas gastrointestinais relatados por mulheres brasileiras, suas causas, sentimentos e impacto. MÉTODOS Questionário eletrônico estruturado foi desenvolvido após a fase qualitativa para formatação semântica, e foi administrado a mulheres voluntárias em 10 cidades brasileiras. Foram realizadas análises estatísticas descritivas e Bayesiana. RESULTADOS A partir dos 3029 respondentes, 66% relataram sintomas gastrointestinais. Os sintomas mais prevalentes foram gases (46%), distensão abdominal e constipação (43%). As principais causas relatadas foram estilo de vida e hábitos alimentares. Sintomas gastrointestinais afetaram a qualidade de vida da maioria das mulheres (62%), especialmente a constipação (humor (89%), concentração (88%) e vida sexual (79%)). As soluções mais comuns adotadas foram beber água, chás, comer alimentos ricos em fibras e probióticos. CONCLUSÃO Sintomas gastrointestinais são altamente prevalentes nas mulheres brasileiras e impactam negativamente diferentes aspectos da qualidade de vida (humor, concentração e sexualidade). O intestino é um catalisador emocional importante que pode modular o comportamento psicológico. Melhor compreensão da interação entre o intestino e o cérebro pode ajudar na gestão dos sintomas gastrointestinais para melhorar a qualidade de vida das mulheres.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Severe Acute Liver Failure (ALF) is a life-threatening clinical syndrome characterized by hepatocyte necrosis, loss of hepatic architecture, and impairment of liver functions. One of the main causes of ALF is hepatotoxicity from chemical agents, which damage hepatocytes and result in increase of reactive oxygen species. The vitamin E isoform is the one with the strongest biological antioxidant activity. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the antioxidant effect of vitamin E in this ALF model. METHODS We used 56 rats (mean weight of 300 g) divided into eight groups, four groups assessed at 24 hours and 4 assessed at 48 hours after induction: control group (CO); Vitamin E (Vit. E); Thioacetamide (TAA) and Thioacetamide + Vitamina E (TAA+Vit.E). Rats were submitted to injections of thioacetamide (400 mg/kg i.p.) at baseline and 8 hours later. Vitamin E (100 mg/kg ip) was administered 30 minutes after the second dose of thioacetamide. The 48-hour group rats received two additional doses of vitamin E (24h and 36h). At 24h or 48 hours after the administration of the first dose of TAA, rats were weighed and anesthetized and their blood sampled for evaluation of liver integrity through enzymes aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). Liver tissue was sampled for assessment of lipid peroxidation (LPO) by the technique TBARS, antioxidant enzymes SOD, CAT, GPx and GST activity, levels of the NO 2 /NO 3 and histology by H&E in two times. The results were expressed as mean ± standard deviation and statistically analyzed by ANOVA followed by Student-Newman-Keuls, with P <0.05 considered as significant. RESULTS After treatment with vitamin E, we observed a reduction in liver enzymes AST (U/L) (101.32±19.45 in 24 hours and 97.85±29.65 in 48 hours) related to the TAA group (469.56± 0.69 in 24 hours and 598.23±55.45 in 48 hours) and ALT (U/L) (76.59±8.56 in 24 hours and 68.47±6.49 in 48 hours) compared to the TAA group (312.21±10.23 in 24 hours and 359.15±17.58 in 48 hours). There was a reduction of LPO (nmol/mg Prot) in the TAA+Vit.E group (0.77±0.07 in 24 hours and 0.95±0.08 in 48 hours) compared to the TAA group (1.50±0.07 in 24 hours e 1.65±0.16 in 48 hours). SOD decreased in the TAA+Vit.E group (49.48±9.47 in 24 hours and 62.45±18, 47 in 48 hours), related to the TAA group (98.46±15.48 in 24 hours and 154.13±21.46 in 48 hours), as well as GST (nmol/min/mg Prot) in the TAA+Vit.E group (350.57±36.93 in 24 hours and 453.29±13.84 in 48 hours) compared to the TAA group (561.57±64.56 in 24 hours and 673.43±38.13 in 48 hours). There was an increase in CAT (pmol/min/mg Prot) in the TAA+Vit.E group (3.40±0.44 in 24 hours and 3.0±0.35 in 48 hours) compared to the TAA group (1.65±0.21 in 24 hours and 1.86±0.42 in 48 hours). The GPx (nmol/min/mg Prot) increased in 24 hours in the TAA+Vit.E group (1.01±0.16) compared to the TAA group (0.41±0.04) and decreased in 48 hours (1.19±0.17) compared to the TAA group (1.76±0.21). There was a reduction in NO2/NO3 (mmol/L) levels in the TAA+Vit.E group (31.47±4.26 in 24 hours and 38.93±5.20 in 48 hours) compared to the TAA group (49.37±5.12 in 24 hours and 53.53±5.97 in 48 hours). The histopathological evaluation showed a decrease in liver injury (necrosis and inflammation) in both studied times. CONCLUSION These results suggest that vitamin E was able to protect the liver from lesions caused by thioacetamide.

RESUMO CONTEXTO A Insuficiência Hepática Aguda Grave (IHAG) é uma síndrome clínica potencialmente fatal, na qual ocorre necrose dos hepatócitos, perda da arquitetura hepática e deterioração de suas funções. Dentre as principais causas da IHAG está a hepatotoxicidade decorrente de agentes químicos, que lesam os hepatócitos e acarretam aumento das espécies reativas de oxigênio. A vitamina E tem alta atividade antioxidante biológica e é amplamente distribuída nos tecidos. OBJETIVO Avaliar o efeito antioxidante da Vitamina E no modelo de IHAG. MÉTODOS Foram utilizados 56 ratos, com peso médio de 300 g, divididos em oito grupos, quatro grupos avaliados em 24 horas e quatro em 48 horas após a indução: grupo controle (CO); Vitamina E (Vit.E); Tioacetamida (TAA) e Tioacetamida + Vitamina E (TAA+Vit.E). Os ratos foram submetidos a injeções de tioacetamida, na dose de 400 mg/Kg de peso i.p., no início do experimento e, posteriormente, após 8 horas. A vit E (100 mg//Kg i.p.) foi administrada 30 minutos após a segunda dose de tioacetamida. Os animais do tempo 48 horas receberam mais duas doses de vit. E (24h e 36h). Transcorridas 24 ou 48 horas após a administração da primeira dose de TAA, os animais foram pesados, anestesiados e o sangue retirado para a avaliação da integridade hepática através das enzimas Aspartatoaminotransferase (AST) e Alanina aminotransferase (ALT). O tecido hepático foi retirado para avaliação da lipoperoxidação através da técnica de TBARS, atividade das enzimas antioxidantes SOD, CAT, GPx, e GST, avaliação de NO 2 /NO 3 e avaliação histológica pela coloração de hematoxilina e eosina nos dois tempos. Os resultados foram expressos como média ± erro padrão e a análise estatística utilizada foi ANOVA, seguido de teste de Student-Newman-Keuls, considerado significativo P <0,05. RESULTADOS Após o tratamento com a vit. E, observamos uma redução nas enzimas de integridade hepática AST (U/L) (101,32±19,45 em 24h e 97,85±29,65 em 48h) relacionado ao grupo TAA (469,56±20,69 em 24h e 598,23±55,45 em 48h) e ALT (U/L) (76,59±8,56 em 24h e 68,47±6,49 em 48h) comparado ao grupo TAA (312,21±10,23 em 24h e 359,15±17,58 em 48h). Houve uma redução da LPO (nmol/mg Prot), no grupo TAA+Vit.E (0,77±0,07 em 24h e 0,95±0,08 em 48h) comparado ao grupo TAA (1,50±0,07 em 24h e 1,65±0,16 em 48h). A SOD (USOD/min/mg Prot) diminuiu no grupo TAA+Vit.E (49,48±9,47 em 24h e 62,45±18,47 em 48h) relacionado ao grupo TAA (98,46±15,48 em 24h e 154,13±21,46 em 48h), assim como a GST (nmol/min/mg Prot) no grupo TAA+Vit.E (350,57±36,93 em 24h e 453,29±13,84 em 48h) comparado ao grupo TAA (561,57±64,56 em 24h e 673,43±38,13 em 48h). Houve aumento da CAT (pmol/min/mg Prot) no grupo TAA+Vit.E (3,40±0,44 em 24h e 3,01±0,35 em 48h) em relação ao grupo TAA (1,65±0,21 em 24h e 1,86±0,42 em 48h). A GPx (nmol/min/mg Prot) aumentou em 24h no grupo TAA+Vit.E (1,01±0,16) comparado ao grupo TAA (0,41±0,04) e diminuiu em 48h (1,19±0,17) em relação ao grupo TAA (1,76±0,21). Verificou-se redução nos níveis de NO 2 /NO 3 (mmol/L) no grupo TAA+Vit.E (31,47±4,26 em 24h e 38,93±5,20 em 48h) em relação ao grupo TAA (49,37±5,12 em 24h e 53,53±5,97 em 48h). A avaliação histopatológica mostrou diminuição da lesão hepática (necrose e inflamação) em ambas os tempos estudados. CONCLUSÃO Estes resultados sugerem que a vitamina E foi capaz de proteger o fígado de lesões causadas por tioacetamida.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND The diarrheal syndrome is considered a serious public health problem all over the world and is considered a major cause of morbidity and mortality in developing countries. The high incidence of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli in diarrheal syndromes classified as an emerging pathogen of gastrointestinal infections. After decades of study, your pathogenesis remains uncertain and has been investigated mainly using in vitro models of adhesion in cellular lines. OBJECTIVE The present study investigated the interaction of enteroaggregative Escherichia coli strains isolated from childhood diarrhea with rabbit ileal and colonic mucosa ex vivo, using the in vitro organ culture model. METHODS The in vitro adhesion assays using cultured tissue were performed with the strains co-incubated with intestinal fragments of ileum and colon over a period of 6 hours. Each strain was tested with three intestinal fragments for each region. The fragments were analysed by scanning electron microscopy. RESULTS Through scanning electron microscopy we observed that all strains adhered to rabbit ileal and colonic mucosa, with the typical aggregative adherence pattern of "stacked bricks" on the epithelium. However, the highest degree of adherence was observed on colonic mucosa. Threadlike structures were found in greater numbers in the ileum compared to the colon. CONCLUSION These data showed that enteroaggregative Escherichia coli may have a high tropism for the human colon, which was ratified by the higher degree of adherence on the rabbit colonic mucosa. Finally, data indicated that in vitro organ culture of intestinal mucosa from rabbit may be used to elucidate the enteroaggregative Escherichia coli pathogenesis.

RESUMO CONTEXTO A síndrome diarréica é considerada um grave problema de saúde pública em todo o mundo e é considerada uma das principais causas de morbidade e mortalidade nos países em desenvolvimento. A elevada incidência de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa nas síndromes diarreicas a classificou como um patógeno emergente de infecções gastrintestinais. Depois de décadas de estudo, sua patogênese ainda é incerta e tem sido investigada usando principalmente modelos in vitro de adesão em linhagens celulares. OBJETIVO O presente estudo investigou a interação de cepas de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa isoladas de diarreia infantil com mucosa ileal e colônica de coelho ex vivo, utilizando o modelo de cultura de órgão in vitro. MÉTODOS Os ensaios de adesão in vitro utilizando tecido cultivado foram realizados com as cepas co-incubadas com fragmentos intestinais de íleo e de cólon durante um período de 6 horas. Cada cepa foi testada em três fragmentos intestinais para cada região. Os fragmentos foram analisados por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. RESULTADOS Através da microscopia eletrônica de varredura observamos que todas as cepas aderiram a mucosa ileal e colônica de coelho, com o padrão de aderência agregativo típico de "tijolos empilhados" no epitélio. Entretanto, o maior grau de adesão foi observado na mucosa do cólon. Estruturas filiformes foram encontradas em maior número no íleo em comparação com o cólon. CONCLUSÃO Esses dados mostraram que Escherichia coli enteroagregativa pode ter um maior tropismo para o cólon humano, o que foi ratificado pelo maior grau de aderência na mucosa do cólon de coelho. Finalmente, os dados indicaram que a cultura de órgão in vitro da mucosa intestinal de coelho pode ser utilizado para elucidar a patogênese de Escherichia coli enteroagregativa.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Given the increase of people with gastrointestinal disorders, the search for alternative treatments with fewer side effects is vital, as well as the demand for food or plants that can help protect the stomach. OBJECTIVE The aim of this study was to evaluate the gastroprotective action of the extracts of wild fruit trees of Myrcianthes pungens (guabiju); Inga vera Willd. (ingá-banana) and Marlierea tomentosa Cambess. (guarapuruna) in in vivo pharmacological models. METHODS The different parts of the fruits were separately subjected to a process of extraction by methanol. Two experimental pharmacological models were conducted in mice; the gastric ulcer model induced by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory (indomethacin), and the gastric ulcer model induced by ethanol/HCl, which allowed us to evaluate the gastroprotective activity of the extracts at a dose of 250 mg/kg. Subsequently, the total lesion area (mm2) and relative lesion area (%) were determined. RESULTS The results showed significant gastroprotective activity against the aggressive agents used - ethanol and indomethacin - for all the extracts tested. CONCLUSION It is assumed that the fruits have bioactive compounds such as antioxidant substances that act on the prostaglandin levels, protecting them from the damage caused by ethanol and indomethacin. These results prompt further studies to isolate and identify the active properties.

RESUMO CONTEXTO Devido ao aumento de pessoas com distúrbios gastrointestinais, a busca de tratamentos alternativos com menos efeitos cola­terais é fundamental, assim como a demanda por alimentos ou plantas que possam ajudar a proteger o estômago. OBJETIVO O presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a ação gastroprotetora dos extratos plantas frutíferas silvestres Myrcianthes pungens (guabiju); Inga vera Willd. (ingá-banana) e Marlierea tomentosa Cambess. (guarapuruna) em modelos farmacológicos in vivo. MÉTODOS As diferentes partes do fruto foram submetidas se­paradamente a um processo de maceração em solução metanólica a frio. Foram realizados dois modelos experimentais em camundongos, modelo de úlcera gástrica induzida por anti-inflamatório não-esteroidal (indometacina) e modelo de úlcera gástrica induzida por etanol/HCl, que permitiram avaliar a atividade gastroprotetora dos extratos na dose de 250 mg/kg. Posteriormente, foram determinadas a área total de lesão (mm2) e a área relativa lesada (%). RESULTADOS Os resultados apresentaram atividade gastroprotetora significativa para todos os extratos estudados frente aos agentes agressores utilizados, etanol e indometacina. CONCLUSÃO Supõe-se que os frutos apresentam compostos bioativos, como as substancias antioxidantes, que atuam sobre os níveis de prostaglandinas, protegendo dos danos causados pelo etanol e indometacina. Os resultados encorajam futuros estudos para isolamento e identificação dos princípios ativos dos frutos.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND The prevalence of obesity and metabolic syndrome is increasing worldwide and both behavior modification and drug therapy have low adherence. Gastric bypass has shown effective results in both reducing weight and improving comorbidities. OBJECTIVE To evaluate the impact of Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery (RYGB) on both metabolic syndrome components and the use of associated drugs in obese patients. METHODS Historical cohort of patients subjected to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery (RYGB) between January 2007 and March 2014 in a private clinic. The sample consisted of 273 obese class II and III individuals, 86.4% of whom were female, with age ≥20 years, followed up for 2 months after surgery. Sociodemographic, anthropometric, biochemical, clinical, and drug-use data were collected from patients' medical records. RESULTS Significant differences were found in weight, body mass index and waist circumference, after 60 postoperative days. Components for metabolic syndrome diagnosis (hypertension P=0.001; hyperglycemia P<0.001; hypertriglyceridemia P=0.006) were reduced after 60 days of postoperative, with the exception HDL-c (P=0.083). There was a significant reduction in the use of antihypertensive (P<0.001), hypoglycemic (P=0.013), lipid lowering (P<0.001), and antiobesity (P=0.010) drugs and increased use of gastroprotective drugs, vitamins, and minerals (P<0.001) after 60 postoperative days. CONCLUSION Patients subjected to Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Surgery exhibited both weight loss and significant improvement not only in metabolic syndrome components (except for HDL-c) but in the use of drugs associated with obesity and metabolic syndrome.

RESUMO CONTEXTO A prevalência de obesidade e síndrome metabólica é crescente no mundo e tanto a terapia de modificação de estilo de vida quanto a medicamentosa têm baixa adesão. O bypass gástrico tem apresentado resultados eficazes na redução de peso e comorbidades. OBJETIVO Avaliar o impacto do bypass gástrico em Y de Roux nos componentes da síndrome metabólica e sobre o uso de drogas associadas em pacientes obesos. MÉTODOS Coorte histórica de pacientes submetidos ao bypass gástrico em Y de Roux entre janeiro de 2007 e março de 2014, em clínica privada. A amostra foi composta por 273 indivíduos obesos classe II e III, 86,4% dos quais eram do sexo feminino, idade ≥20 anos, acompanhados por 2 meses após a cirurgia. Dados sociodemográficos, antropométricos, bioquímicos, clínicos e de uso de medicamentos foram coletados nos prontuários dos pacientes. RESULTADOS Foram encontradas diferenças significativas no peso, índice de massa corporal e circunferência da cintura, após 60 dias de pós-operatório. Os componentes para diagnóstico da síndrome metabólica (hipertensão P=0,001; hiperglicemia P<0,001; hipertrigliceridemia P=0,006) foram reduzidos no pós-operatório, com exceção do HDL-c (P=0,083). Houve uma redução significativa no uso de medicamentos anti-hipertensivos (P<0,001), hipoglicêmicos (P=0,013), hipolipemiantes (P<0,001), antiobesidade (P=0,010) e uma maior utilização de gastroprotectores, vitaminas e minerais (P<0,001) após 60 dias de pós-operatório. CONCLUSÃO Os pacientes submetidos ao bypass gástrico em Y de Roux exibiram perda de peso e uma melhora significativa, não só em componentes da síndrome metabólica (exceto para o HDL-c), mas também no uso de medicamentos associados à obesidade e à síndrome metabólica.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Esophageal motility has been described in the literature as having differences between men and women. Most of these investigations use the water perfusion method for esophageal manometry. In this investigation the esophageal motility of men and women was compared with high-resolution manometry of the esophagus. OBJECTIVE To compare the esophageal motility of men and women with the high-resolution manometry method for esophageal manometry, performed in the sitting position. The hypothesis was that men and women have differences in esophageal motility. METHODS High-resolution manometry was performed in normal volunteers, 10 men [mean age: 37.5 (8.1) years] and 12 women [mean age: 38.7 (7.5) years], in the sitting position and with 10 swallows of a 5 mL bolus of saline, with an interval of at least 30 seconds between consecutive swallows. We evaluated the integrated relaxation pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter, contraction front velocity, distal contraction integral, distal latency, proximal contraction extension, proximal contraction duration >30 mmHg, proximal contraction duration, proximal contraction integral and maximal upper esophageal sphincter pressure. RESULTS There was no significant difference between men and women in the variables measured. CONCLUSION There was no difference in esophageal motility of men and women evaluated by the high resolution manometry method, in the sitting position with swallows of a liquid bolus.

RESUMO CONTEXTO É descrita a existência de diferenças na motilidade de esôfago entre homens e mulheres. A maioria destes trabalhos utilizaram o método de perfusão continua com água para a manometria esofágica. Nesta investigação foi comparada a motilidade do esôfago de homens e mulheres com o método de manometria de alta resolução, realizada na posição sentada e com deglutição de bolo líquido. OBJETIVO Comparar a motilidade do esôfago em homens e mulheres, na posição sentada, com o método de manometria de alta resolução. A hipótese é que homens e mulheres têm diferenças na motilidade do esôfago. MÉTODOS Manometria de alta resolução foi realizada em voluntários saudáveis, 10 homens [média de idade: 37,7 (8,1) anos] e 12 mulheres [média de idade: 38,7 (7,5) anos], na posição sentada e com 10 deglutições de 5 mL de solução salina. Foram avaliadas a pressão integrada de relaxamento do esfíncter inferior do esôfago, velocidade da contração peristáltica, integral da contração distal, latência distal, extensão da contração proximal, duração da contração proximal >30 mmHg, duração da contração proximal, integral da contração proximal, pressão máxima do esfíncter superior do esôfago. RESULTADOS Não houve diferença significativa entre homens e mulheres nas variáveis medidas. CONCLUSÃO Não há diferença entre homens e mulheres na motilidade do esôfago avaliada pelo método de manometria de alta resolução, na posição sentada e com deglutição de um bolo líquido.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND For many years, many studies have reported undesirable outcomes that may occur during the hospital stay of patients diagnosed with malnutrition or even at some nutritional risk. OBJECTIVE To investigate the relationship between nutritional status and clinical outcomes during hospital stay using the multiple correspondence analysis technique. METHODS This cross-sectional study included 600 patients with and without neoplasms. The following data were collected: subjective global assessment, nutritional indicators, nutritional risk screening, anthropometric data (body mass index (BMI), mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC), mid-upper arm muscle circumference (MUAMC), triceps skinfold thickness (TST), recent weight loss (RWL)), and habitual energy intake (HEI/ER <75%). The clinical outcomes of interest were complications, length of hospital stay (LOHS), and death. The data were analyzed by the chi-square or Fisher's exact test at a significance level of 5%. Multiple correspondence analysis was used for the multivariate data analysis. RESULTS The multiple correspondence analysis map for the patients with neoplasms showed that the following characteristics were associated and represented by death, complications, and a greater likelihood of LOHS ≥7 days: underweight according to BMI; TST, MUAC, and MUAMC ≤15th percentile; malnutrition according to the subjective global assessment; at nutritional risk according to the nutritional risk screening; being male; age ≥60 years; and HEI/ER <75%. The multiple correspondence analysis map for the patients without neoplasms showed that the following characteristics were associated and represented by death: underweight according to BMI; TST ≤15th percentile; malnutrition according to the subjective global assessment; and at nutritional risk according to the nutritional risk screening. Complications and LOHS ≥7 days represented the categories male, no recent weight loss, HEI/ER <75%, MUAC and MUAMC ≤15th percentile, TST between the 15th and 85th percentiles, and age <60 years. CONCLUSION The results of this study confirm an association between unsatisfactory nutritional indicators and undesirable clinical outcomes.

RESUMO CONTEXTO Muitos estudos já vêm relatando há muitos anos, alguns desfechos indesejáveis que podem se manifestar durante o curso da hospitalização em pacientes diagnosticados com desnutrição ou até mesmo com algum risco nutricional. OBJETIVO Explorar pela técnica da análise de correspondência múltipla a relação entre o estado nutricional e os desfechos clínicos apresentados no decorrer da internação em pacientes hospitalizados. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal com 600 pacientes com e sem neoplasias. Foram estudados os indicadores nutricionais de avaliação subjetiva global, screening de risco nutricional, antropometria (IMC, circunferência braquial-CB, circunferência muscular do braço-CMB, prega cutânea triciptal-PCT), perda de peso recente e consumo energético habitual (CEH/NE <75%). Como desfechos clínicos, foram considerados a presença de complicações, tempo de internação e óbito. Os dados foram analisados pelo teste qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher, com nível de significância de 5%. Para a análise multivariada dos dados, utilizou-se a análise de correspondência múltipla. RESULTADOS O mapa fornecido pela análise de correspondência múltipla no grupo de pacientes com neoplasias, mostrou que as categorias de baixo peso pelo IMC, PCT, CB e CMB ≤ ao percentil 15, desnutrido pela avaliação subjetiva global, com risco nutricional pelo screening de risco nutricional, com perda de peso recente, sexo masculino, idade ≥ a 60 anos e CEH/NE <75% se associaram e foram representadas pelo óbito, com complicações e mais próximos do tempo de internação ≥ a 7 dias. O mapa fornecido pela análise de correspondência múltipla no grupo de pacientes sem neoplasias, mostrou que as categorias de baixo peso pelo IMC, PCT ≤ ao percentil 15, desnutrido pela avaliação subjetiva global e com risco nutricional pelo screening de risco nutricional se associaram e foram representadas pelo óbito. Complicações e tempo de internação ≥ 7 dias representaram as categorias de sexo masculino, sem perda de peso recente, CEH/NE <75%, CB e CMB ≤ ao percentil 15, PCT entre percentil 15 e 85 e idade < 60 anos. CONCLUSÃO Os resultados deste estudo confirmaram uma associação entre indicadores nutricionais insatisfatórios e desfechos clínicos indesejáveis.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND The presence of psychiatric symptoms, anger, and personality characteristics are factors that affect the quality of life of newly diagnosed digestive system cancer patients. OBJECTIVE This study aims to identify which stable characteristics of the individual's personality interfere with quality of life, even when reactive emotional characteristics of falling ill are controlled. METHODS A cross-sectional study was performed at the Oncology Clinic ( Hospital das Clínicas ), Marília/SP, Brazil, in which 50 adult patients with digestive system cancer and diagnosed less than 6 months answered the State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory, Temperament and Character Inventory, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale and WHOQOL-BREF. Multiple regression was performed to verify if quality of life was related to stable characteristics of the subject's personality (anger trait, temperament and character) after controlling to the transient emotional aspects (anger state, psychiatric symptoms). RESULTS The quality of life psychological health score was higher in presence of self-directedness character and reward dependence temperament and quality of life environment score was higher in presence of self-directedness character and lower in presence of harm avoidance temperament. CONCLUSION The psychological well-being and the adaptive needs to the environment that favoring a better quality of life were reinforced mainly by the self-directedness character; which means that patients more autonomous cope better with the disease. On the other hand, the harm avoidance temperament (meaning the patient has fear of aversive situations) impaired the adaptive capacity to deal with the changes of the day-to-day imposed by the disease. Understanding these personality traits is important to the health professionals drive the patient to more successful treatment.

RESUMO CONTEXTO A presença de sintomas psiquiátricos, raiva, e características de personalidade são fatores que interferem na qualidade de vida do paciente com câncer do sistema digestório recém-diagnosticado. OBJETIVO Este estudo objetiva identificar que características estáveis da personalidade interferem na qualidade de vida, mesmo quando controladas as características emocionais reativas ao adoecer. MÉTODOS Um estudo transversal foi realizado na Clínica de Oncologia (Hospital das Clínicas), Marília/SP Brasil, no qual foram avaliados 50 pacientes adultos com câncer digestivo diagnosticados há menos de 6 meses que responderam ao Inventário de Expressão de Raiva Traço-Estado, Inventário de Temperamento e Caráter, Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão e WHOQOL-BREF. Regressão múltipla foi aplicada para verificar se a qualidade de vida estava relacionada com as características estáveis de personalidade (traço de raiva, temperamento, caráter) após controlar os resultados para a presença de aspectos emocionais transitórios (estado de raiva, sintomas psiquiátricos). RESULTADOS O escore de saúde psicológica da qualidade de vida foi maior na presença de caráter de autodirecionamento e do temperamento de dependência de gratificação; o escore de meio-ambiente da qualidade de vida foi maior na presença de caráter de autodirecionamento, e menor na presença de temperamento de evitação ao dano. CONCLUSÃO O bem-estar psicológico e as necessidades adaptativas ao meio-ambiente que favorecem uma melhor qualidade de vida foram reforçados principalmente pelo caráter de autodirecionamento. Por outro lado, o temperamento de evitação ao dano prejudica a capacidade adaptativa de lidar com as mudanças diárias, impostas pela doença. Compreender estes traços de personalidade é importante para que os profissionais de saúde conduzam o paciente por um tratamento de maior sucesso.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is one of the most common functional gastrointestinal disorders with chronic abdominal pain and altered bowel habit without any organic reason. Sleep disorders may be associated to IBS. OBJECTIVE We aimed to assess sleep disturbances and depression-anxiety-stress in IBS patients. METHODS In this analytical cross sectional study from November 2013 to May 2014, A total of 123 IBS patients were recruited by simple random sampling. IBS was diagnosed using ROME-III criteria. Demographic and basic data were driven from all patients then Pittsburg Sleep Quality Index questionnaire was utilized to estimate sleep quality and DASS (depression anxiety stress scale) questionnaire was filled out for depression, anxiety and stress. RESULTS The mean age of patients was 29±9, where 48 cases (39%) were male. Twelve cases (10%) had a background disease. Types of IBS in patients were included 38% diarrhea, 42% constipation and 20% mixed. From all IBS patients 87 (71%) cases had depression, 97 (79%) patients stress, 94 (76%) patients had anxiety. Seventy-six (62%) cases of IBS patients had poor sleep quality. Simultaneously employing predictors demonstrate that gender, background disease, and type of IBS did not statistically significant. On the other hand, depression (P=0.034, OR=2.35), anxiety (P=0.011, OR=3.022), and stress (P=0.029, OR=2.77) were significantly effect on sleep quality in poor sleepers. CONCLUSION Many of IBS patients is suffering from poor sleep quality. It seems that sleep disorder should be considered and treated in this patients.

RESUMO CONTEXTO A síndrome do intestino irritável (SII) é um dos transtornos gastrointestinais funcionais mais comuns, com dor abdominal crônica e alteração do hábito intestinal sem motivo orgânico aparente. Distúrbios do sono podem estar associados à SII. OBJETIVO Avaliar distúrbios do sono e sinais de depressão, ansiedade e estresse em pacientes com SII. MÉTODOS Através de estudo analítico transversal, observou-se entre de novembro de 2013 e maio 2014, um total de 123 pacientes com SII, recrutados por amostragem aleatória simples. A SII foi diagnosticada usando-se os critérios de Roma III. Dados demográficos e básicos foram obtidos de todos os pacientes e o questionário de índice de qualidade de sono de Pittsburg foi utilizado para estimar a qualidade do sono; o questionário DASS (escala de depressão ansiedade stress) foi preenchido para depressão, ansiedade e stress. RESULTADOS A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 29±9 anos, sendo 48 (39%) do sexo masculino. Doze (10%) tinham alguma doença associada. Nos subtipos de SII foram incluídos 38% com diarreia, 42% com constipação e 20% de forma alternada. Do total, 87 (71%), pacientes tinham depressão, o estresse foi observado em 97 (79%) e 94 (76%) tinham ansiedade. Setenta e seis (62%) pacientes com SII tinham sono de má qualidade. A análise de preditores, empregados simultaneamente, demonstrou que o gênero, a doença associada e o tipo de SII não foram estatisticamente significantes. Por outro lado, depressão (P=0,034, OR=2,35), ansiedade (P=0.011, OR=3.022) e stress (P=0,029, OR=2,77) contribuíram significativamente no efeito da má qualidade do sono. CONCLUSÃO A maioria dos pacientes com SII tem sono de má qualidade. Recomenda-se que o distúrbio do sono deva ser considerado e tratado nestes pacientes.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND There is evidence that shows that calcineurin inhibitors may be useful for the treatment of severe ulcerative colitis. However, evidence regarding the efficacy of tacrolimus for remission induction in this setting is scarce. OBJECTIVE To develop a systematic review on the existing evidence regarding the clinical efficacy of tacrolimus for the induction of remission in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis. METHODS A literature search was undertaken from 1966 to August 2016 using MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS and the Cochrane Library. The following MeSH terms were used: "Inflammatory Bowel Diseases" or "Ulcerative Colitis" and "Calcineurin Inhibitors" or "Tacrolimus" or "FK506". Studies performed in adult ulcerative colitis patients that evaluated the clinical efficacy of tacrolimus for the induction of remission were considered for revision. A meta-analysis was performed with those included studies that were also placebo-controlled and randomized. Clinical response as well as clinical remission and mucosal healing were evaluated. RESULTS Overall, 755 references were identified, from which 22 studies were finally included. Only two of them were randomized, placebo-controlled trials. A total of 172 patients were evaluated. A significantly lower risk of failure in clinical response was found for tacrolimus versus placebo [RR 0.58 (0.45-0.73)]; moreover, a lower risk of failure in the induction of remission was also found versus placebo [RR 0.91 (0.82-1)]. CONCLUSION Tacrolimus seems to be a valid therapeutic alternative for the induction of remission in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis.

RESUMO CONTEXTO Há evidências que mostram que os inibidores de calcineurina podem ser úteis para o tratamento da colite ulcerativa severa. No entanto, há poucos dados sobre a eficácia do tacrolimus para indução de remissão neste cenário. OBJETIVO Desenvolver uma revisão sistemática sobre evidências existentes sobre a eficácia clínica do tacrolimus para a indução de remissão em pacientes com colite ulcerosa de moderada a grave. MÉTODOS Realizada pesquisa bibliográfica de 1966 a agosto de 2016 usando MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS e Biblioteca Cochrane. Foram utilizados os seguintes termos MeSH: "doenças inflamatórias intestinais" ou "colite ulcerativa " e "inibidores da calcineurina" ou "tacrolimo" ou "FK506". Foram considerados para revisão estudos que avaliaram a eficácia clínica do tacrolimus para a indução de remissão em pacientes adultos com colite ulcerosa. Uma meta-análise foi realizada com esses estudos incluídos que também fossem controlados por placebo e randomizados. Avaliou-se a resposta clínica, bem como remissão clínica e a cicatrização da mucosa. RESULTADOS No total, 755 referências foram identificadas, dos quais 22 estudos foram finalmente incluídos. Apenas dois deles eram experimentações randomizadas e, placebo-controlada. Um total de 172 pacientes foram avaliados. Verificou-se um risco significativamente menor de falha na resposta clínica para tacrolimus versus placebo [RR 0.58 (0.45-0,73)]; Além disso, um menor risco de falha na indução da remissão também foi encontrado versus placebo [RR 0,91 (0,82-1)]. CONCLUSÃO Tacrolimus parece ser uma alternativa terapêutica válida para a indução de remissão em pacientes com colite ulcerosa moderada a grave.



ABSTRACT BACKGROUND There is evidence that shows that calcineurin inhibitors may be useful for the treatment of severe ulcerative colitis. However, evidence regarding the efficacy of tacrolimus for remission induction in this setting is scarce. OBJECTIVE To develop a systematic review on the existing evidence regarding the clinical efficacy of tacrolimus for the induction of remission in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis. METHODS A literature search was undertaken from 1966 to August 2016 using MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS and the Cochrane Library. The following MeSH terms were used: "Inflammatory Bowel Diseases" or "Ulcerative Colitis" and "Calcineurin Inhibitors" or "Tacrolimus" or "FK506". Studies performed in adult ulcerative colitis patients that evaluated the clinical efficacy of tacrolimus for the induction of remission were considered for revision. A meta-analysis was performed with those included studies that were also placebo-controlled and randomized. Clinical response as well as clinical remission and mucosal healing were evaluated. RESULTS Overall, 755 references were identified, from which 22 studies were finally included. Only two of them were randomized, placebo-controlled trials. A total of 172 patients were evaluated. A significantly lower risk of failure in clinical response was found for tacrolimus versus placebo [RR 0.58 (0.45-0.73)]; moreover, a lower risk of failure in the induction of remission was also found versus placebo [RR 0.91 (0.82-1)]. CONCLUSION Tacrolimus seems to be a valid therapeutic alternative for the induction of remission in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis.

RESUMO CONTEXTO Há evidências que mostram que os inibidores de calcineurina podem ser úteis para o tratamento da colite ulcerativa severa. No entanto, há poucos dados sobre a eficácia do tacrolimus para indução de remissão neste cenário. OBJETIVO Desenvolver uma revisão sistemática sobre evidências existentes sobre a eficácia clínica do tacrolimus para a indução de remissão em pacientes com colite ulcerosa de moderada a grave. MÉTODOS Realizada pesquisa bibliográfica de 1966 a agosto de 2016 usando MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS e Biblioteca Cochrane. Foram utilizados os seguintes termos MeSH: "doenças inflamatórias intestinais" ou "colite ulcerativa " e "inibidores da calcineurina" ou "tacrolimo" ou "FK506". Foram considerados para revisão estudos que avaliaram a eficácia clínica do tacrolimus para a indução de remissão em pacientes adultos com colite ulcerosa. Uma meta-análise foi realizada com esses estudos incluídos que também fossem controlados por placebo e randomizados. Avaliou-se a resposta clínica, bem como remissão clínica e a cicatrização da mucosa. RESULTADOS No total, 755 referências foram identificadas, dos quais 22 estudos foram finalmente incluídos. Apenas dois deles eram experimentações randomizadas e, placebo-controlada. Um total de 172 pacientes foram avaliados. Verificou-se um risco significativamente menor de falha na resposta clínica para tacrolimus versus placebo [RR 0.58 (0.45-0,73)]; Além disso, um menor risco de falha na indução da remissão também foi encontrado versus placebo [RR 0,91 (0,82-1)]. CONCLUSÃO Tacrolimus parece ser uma alternativa terapêutica válida para a indução de remissão em pacientes com colite ulcerosa moderada a grave.


Intensive care management of patients with liver disease: proceedings of a single-topic conference sponsored by the Brazilian Society of Hepatology

ABSTRACT BACKGROUND There is evidence that shows that calcineurin inhibitors may be useful for the treatment of severe ulcerative colitis. However, evidence regarding the efficacy of tacrolimus for remission induction in this setting is scarce. OBJECTIVE To develop a systematic review on the existing evidence regarding the clinical efficacy of tacrolimus for the induction of remission in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis. METHODS A literature search was undertaken from 1966 to August 2016 using MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS and the Cochrane Library. The following MeSH terms were used: "Inflammatory Bowel Diseases" or "Ulcerative Colitis" and "Calcineurin Inhibitors" or "Tacrolimus" or "FK506". Studies performed in adult ulcerative colitis patients that evaluated the clinical efficacy of tacrolimus for the induction of remission were considered for revision. A meta-analysis was performed with those included studies that were also placebo-controlled and randomized. Clinical response as well as clinical remission and mucosal healing were evaluated. RESULTS Overall, 755 references were identified, from which 22 studies were finally included. Only two of them were randomized, placebo-controlled trials. A total of 172 patients were evaluated. A significantly lower risk of failure in clinical response was found for tacrolimus versus placebo [RR 0.58 (0.45-0.73)]; moreover, a lower risk of failure in the induction of remission was also found versus placebo [RR 0.91 (0.82-1)]. CONCLUSION Tacrolimus seems to be a valid therapeutic alternative for the induction of remission in patients with moderate-to-severe ulcerative colitis.

RESUMO CONTEXTO Há evidências que mostram que os inibidores de calcineurina podem ser úteis para o tratamento da colite ulcerativa severa. No entanto, há poucos dados sobre a eficácia do tacrolimus para indução de remissão neste cenário. OBJETIVO Desenvolver uma revisão sistemática sobre evidências existentes sobre a eficácia clínica do tacrolimus para a indução de remissão em pacientes com colite ulcerosa de moderada a grave. MÉTODOS Realizada pesquisa bibliográfica de 1966 a agosto de 2016 usando MEDLINE, Embase, LILACS e Biblioteca Cochrane. Foram utilizados os seguintes termos MeSH: "doenças inflamatórias intestinais" ou "colite ulcerativa " e "inibidores da calcineurina" ou "tacrolimo" ou "FK506". Foram considerados para revisão estudos que avaliaram a eficácia clínica do tacrolimus para a indução de remissão em pacientes adultos com colite ulcerosa. Uma meta-análise foi realizada com esses estudos incluídos que também fossem controlados por placebo e randomizados. Avaliou-se a resposta clínica, bem como remissão clínica e a cicatrização da mucosa. RESULTADOS No total, 755 referências foram identificadas, dos quais 22 estudos foram finalmente incluídos. Apenas dois deles eram experimentações randomizadas e, placebo-controlada. Um total de 172 pacientes foram avaliados. Verificou-se um risco significativamente menor de falha na resposta clínica para tacrolimus versus placebo [RR 0.58 (0.45-0,73)]; Além disso, um menor risco de falha na indução da remissão também foi encontrado versus placebo [RR 0,91 (0,82-1)]. CONCLUSÃO Tacrolimus parece ser uma alternativa terapêutica válida para a indução de remissão em pacientes com colite ulcerosa moderada a grave.


The Cisplatin Total Dose and Concomitant Radiation in Locoregionally Advanced Head and Neck Cancer: Any Recent Evidence for Dose Efficacy?

Opinion statement

Concurrent chemoradiotherapy (CRT) with high-dose (100 mg/m2), single-agent cisplatin is considered the standard of care for locoregionally advanced head and neck cancer (LAHNC). Poor compliance often due to significant treatment-related toxicities observed during CRT regimen has stimulated research efforts to examine for evidence of the optimal cumulative cisplatin dose and schedule. The findings from this systematic literature review demonstrate that there are insufficient prospective, randomized controlled data to determine the optimal total dose (and schedule) of cisplatin to administer concomitantly with radiotherapy in the treatment of LAHNC. Given the clinical challenges associated with administering concurrent CRT with single-agent high-dose cisplatin, as well as the long-term toxicities accompanying this treatment, an examination of the available literature for evidence of dose efficacy is of continued clinical interest. Moving forward, it is critical that researchers include complete descriptions of key disease and treatment variables (i.e. treatment compliance and HPV status) to inform and strengthen clinical decisions. The substantial heterogeneity of LAHNC has led to the focus of recent research efforts to risk-stratify using a combination of clinical and molecular markers (e.g. HPV status). Thus, the optimal total dose (and schedule) of cisplatin may need to be modified to reflect the specific characteristics of the individual patient subpopulations being treated. At present, CRT remains the standard of care for LAHNC, but this field is rapidly evolving. National and international clinical trials are ongoing to evaluate treatment de-intensification in favourable risk patient subsets and treatment intensification in poor-risk patient subsets, these will provide evidence-based guidance to individualize therapy with the ultimate goal of improving patient outcomes.


Overview of the 8th Edition TNM Classification for Head and Neck Cancer

Opinion Statement

The main purpose of the TNM system is to provide an anatomic-based classification to adequately depict cancer prognosis. Accurate cancer staging is important for treatment selection and outcome prediction, research design, and cancer control activities. To maintain clinical relevance, periodical updates to TNM are necessary. The recently published 8th edition TNM classification institutes the following changes to the staging of head and neck (excluding thyroid cancer): new stage classifications [HPV-related oropharyngeal cancer (HPV+ OPC) and soft tissue sarcoma of the head and neck (HN-STS)] and modification of T and N categories [T and N categories for nasopharyngeal cancer (NPC), T categories for oral cavity squamous cell carcinomas (OSCC), N categories for non-viral related head and neck cancer and unknown primary (CUP), and T categories for head and neck cutaneous carcinoma]. These changes reflect better understanding tumor biology and clinical behavior (e.g., HPV+ OPC and HN-STS), improved outcomes associated with technical advances in diagnosis and treatment (e.g., NPC), evolving knowledge about additional prognostic factors and risk stratification from research and observation (e.g., inclusion of depth of invasion variable for OSCC, inclusion of extranodal extension variable for all non-viral head and neck cancer, and reintroduction of size criteria for non-Merkel cell cutaneous carcinoma of the head and neck). This review summarizes the changes and potential advantages and limitations/caveats associated with them. Further evidence is needed to evaluate whether these changes would result in improvement in TNM stage performance to better serve the needs for clinical care, research, and cancer control.


Mibelas 24 Fe Chewable Tablets by Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Recall - Out of Sequence Tablets and Missing Expiry/Lot Information

Audience: Family Practice, Health Professional, Consumers ISSUE: Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced a recall of lot L600518, Exp 05/18 of Mibelas 24 Fe (Norethindrone Acetate and Ethinyl Estradiol 1 mg/0.02 mg chewable and ferrous fumarate 75 mg)...


Treatment of spontaneous preterm labour with retosiban: a phase II pilot dose-ranging study


To investigate maternal, fetal, and neonatal safety and tolerability, pharmacodynamics, and pharmacokinetics of intravenous (IV) retosiban in pregnant women with spontaneous preterm labour (PTL) between 340/7 and 356/7 weeks' gestation.


In parts A and B of a 3-part double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-centre study, women were randomised 3:1 (Part A) or 2:1 (Part B) to either 12-hour (h) IV retosiban followed by a single dose of oral placebo (R-P) or 12-hour IV placebo followed by single-dose oral retosiban (P-R).


A total of 29 women were randomised; 20 to R-P and 9 to P-R. An integrated analysis found that adverse events were infrequent in mothers/newborns and consistent with events expected in the population under study or associated with confounding factors. Retosiban was rapidly absorbed after oral administration, with an observed half-life of 1.45 hours. Efficacy analyses included 19 women. While not statistically significant, those receiving R-P more frequently achieved uterine quiescence in 6 hours (R-P, 63%; 95% credible interval [CrI]: 38, 84; P-R, 43%; 95% CrI: 12, 78) and more achieved a reduction of ≥50% in uterine contractions in 6 hours (R-P, 63%; 95% CrI: 38, 84; P-R, 29%; 95% CrI: 4, 64). The number of days to delivery was increased in women receiving R-P (median 26 days for R-P vs 13 days for P-R).


Intravenous retosiban has a favourable safety and tolerability profile and may prolong pregnancies in women with PTL. This study provides the rationale and dosing strategy for further evaluation of the efficacy of retosiban in the treatment of PTL.


Prognostic Value of Perineural Invasion in Resected Gastric Cancer Patients According to Lauren Histotype


The purpose of this study is to investigate perineural invasion (PNI) as a prognostic factor in gastric cancer patients. 455 patients submitted to extended (D2 or more) lymphadenectomy (median number of 39 retrieved lymph nodes, range: 15–140) between 1995 and 2012 were retrospectively studied. Patients were categorized in two groups according to the PNI status, and PNI positivity was assessed in presence of cancer cells in the perinerium or the neural fascicles using hematoxylin and eosin staining. Median follow-up for surviving patients was 80.3 months. Survival analysis was performed by univariate and multivariate analysis, using a Cox proportional hazards model. 162 patients (33.9%) had positive PNI; this was strongly associated with advanced stages of disease, residual tumor, lymphovascular invasion, Lauren diffuse-mixed histotype and tumor size. Five-year cancer-related survival was 65,7% and 20,6% in PNI negative vs. positive groups, respectively (p < 0.001). The prognostic impact of PNI at univariate analysis was particularly evident in patients submitted to R0 surgery, early as well as advanced stage, advanced nodal stage and T status. At multivariate analysis, PNI did not result statistically significant in the overall series, but emerged as an independent prognostic factor in the group of patients with Lauren intestinal histotype (p = 0.005, hazard ratio: 1.99, 95% confidence interval 1.24–3.19). PNI is related to advanced stage and poor long-term survival in gastric cancer, and may serve as an adjunctive prognostic factor in the intestinal histotype.


Comparison between tapered and cylindrical implants in the posterior regions of the mandible: A prospective, randomized, split-mouth clinical trial focusing on implant stability changes during early healing



Companies affirm that tapered implants show adequate initial stability, while their installation in the lower arch is uncommon in clinical practice.


To compare the clinical outcomes of tapered and cylindrical implants and to study their effect on bone site characteristics and peri-implant health during healing.

Materials and Methods

The implant site dimensions were assessed by linear measurements using CBCT prior to the installation of 40 implants in the posterior mandible (20 tapered and 20 cylindrical). The bone type was registered during drilling via the surgeon's tactile perception, following the classification of Lekholm and Zarb. Primary stability (PS) was determined by the insertion torque (IT) and the implant stability quotient (ISQ). Secondary stability (SS) and the peri-implant health was monitored for 3 months through the visible plaque index (VPI), the peri-implant inflammation (PI), the probing depth index (PDI), and the gingival bleeding index (GBI). Significant differences were investigated with t-tests for independent samples, chi-square tests or Fisher's exact test. Pearson's correlation test was used to investigate the relationship between the bone site characteristics and PS (IT and ISQ), as well as the relationships between IT and ISQ for each implant type.


Tapered and cylindrical implants showed no significant differences for any outcome variable (P > .05). A significant decrease in ISQ was observed after 7 days of healing (P = .0002), followed by a gradual increase beginning at 21 days (P = .0010) until the last follow-up time at 90 days (P = .0319). The cortical height was correlated with IT; while medullary bone dimensions were correlated with the PS as evidenced by the ISQ values. The insertion torque was significantly correlated with the PS only for the cylindrical dental implants.


Tapered and cylindrical implants have similar biological behavior during the healing process. Bone site characteristics can influence insertion torque and implant stability.


Mechanical Stimulation of the HT7 Acupuncture Point to Reduce Ethanol Self-Administration in Rats

Background. Alcoholism, which is a disabling addiction disorder, is a major public health problem worldwide. The present study was designed to determine whether the application of acupuncture at the Shenmen (HT7) point suppresses voluntary alcohol consumption in addicted rats and whether this suppressive effect is potentiated by the administration of naltrexone. Methods. Rats were initially trained to self-administer a sucrose solution by operating a lever. A mechanical acupuncture instrument (MAI) for objective mechanical stimulation was used on rats whose baseline response had been determined. In addition, the effect of HT7 acupuncture on beta-endorphin concentration and ethanol intake via naltrexone were investigated in different groups. Results. We found that ethanol intake and beta-endorphin level in rats being treated with the MAI at the HT7 point reduced significantly. The treatment of naltrexone at high doses reduced the ethanol intake and low-dose injection of naltrexone in conjunction with the MAI also suppressed ethanol intake. Conclusions. The results of the current study indicate that using the MAI at the HT7 point effectively reduces ethanol consumption in rats. Furthermore, the coadministration of the MAI and a low dose of naltrexone can produce some more potent reducing effect of ethanol intake than can acupuncture alone.


Longitudinal study of quality of life in advanced cancer patients on home parenteral nutrition


Since there is little knowledge regarding the quality of life (QoL) of cancer patients on home parenteral nutrition (HPN), we planned a prospective, longitudinal, double-center study to investigate the changes of QoL in these patients. One hundred and eleven adult cancer patients who were candidates for HPN following the indications of the European guidelines were consecutively enrolled. For QoL analysis, EORTC QLQ-C30 questionnaires were filled at the HPN start and after 1, 2, 3, and 4 months, and scores changes over time were analyzed according to the univariate mixed-effects linear model for repeated measures. Most patients had gastrointestinal cancers, were severely malnourished, and were in stage IV; two-thirds were still receiving oncologic treatments. Median weight loss over 3 months and body mass index were 11.7% and 20.7, respectively. Median survival was 4.7 (1–42) months; 67 and 34% of patients survived 3 and 6 months, respectively. Global QoL, physical functioning, role functioning, emotional functioning, appetite loss, and fatigue scores had a statistically significant trend over time (< 0.001, < 0.001, = 0.007, < 0.001, = 0.004, = 0.022, respectively). At the univariate analyses, the determinants significantly associated with changes in trend over time for physical, role, and emotional functioning were oncologic treatments (< 0.001, = 0.014, = 0.040, respectively) and for appetite loss they were weight loss and Karnofsky performance status (= 0.003, = 0.023, respectively). Global QoL, physical, role, and emotional functioning improved during HPN even in advanced cancer patients on oncologic treatments.

Thumbnail image of graphical abstract

In this prospective, longitudinal study that included 111 adults advanced cancer patients, global quality of life, physical functioning, role functioning, and emotional functioning had a statistically significant trend over time. At the univariate analyses, the determinants significantly associated with changes in trend over time for physical, role, and emotional functioning were oncologic treatments. Global quality of life improved during home parenteral nutrition even in advanced cancer patients on oncologic treatments.


Mibela 24 Fe Chewable Tablets by Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc.: Recall - Out of Sequence Tablets and Missing Expiry/Lot Information

[Posted 05/29/2017] AUDIENCE: Family Practice, Health Professional, Consumers ISSUE: Lupin Pharmaceuticals Inc. announced a recall of lot L600518, Exp 05/18 of Mibelas 24 Fe (Norethindrone Acetate and Ethinyl Estradiol 1 mg/0.02 mg chewable and...


Personalized Consent Flow in Contemporary Data Sharing for Medical Research: A Viewpoint

Background. Health data personally collected by individuals with wearable devices and smartphones is becoming an important data source for healthcare, but also for medical research. Objective. To describe a new consent model that allows people to control their personally collected health data and determine to what extent they want to share these for research purposes. Methods. We developed, in close collaboration with patients, researchers, healthcare professionals, privacy experts, and an accredited Medical Ethical Review Committee, an innovative concept called "personalized consent flow" within a research platform connected to a personal health record. The development was an iterative process with informal meetings, semistructured interviews, and surveys. The final concept of the personalized consent flow was reviewed by patients and improved and approved by the same patients in a focus group. Results. This concept could result in optimal control for individual users, since they will answer questions about how they will share data. Furthermore, it enables users to collect data for specific studies and add expiration dates to their data. This work facilitates further discussion about dynamic and personalized consent. A pilot study with the personalized consent model is currently being carried out.


Radiobiology and the Renewed Potential for Nanoparticles

In a previous Oncology Scan, the Biology Editors discussed the synergy between radiation therapy and immunotherapy (1). In this edition, they examine the implications of nanotechnology. The clinical potential of nanotechnology has yet to be fully recognized (2). However, the past 2 decades have seen significant advances in nanotechnology-based tools in medicine. These developments have led to a myriad of conceptual design approaches that improve the therapeutic index of various drugs by overcoming the challenges of delivery (3).


Sternum First, Perhaps Pelvis Later

To consider the questions regarding further management and consideration of radiation therapy, additional patient history and evaluation may be appropriate including the following:


In Regard to Micke et al

To the Editor: I read with great interest the article titled "Low-dose radiation therapy for benign painful skeletal disorders: The typical treatment for the elderly patient?" by Micke et al (1). I would like comment on the use of radiation therapy for this condition in the United States.


Lessons From What is Not Discussed in Reports Recommending More Intensive Peer Review of Radiation Therapy Plans

The integrity of science is under siege. Today, a large percentage of people from the academic and lay community think that most scientific conclusions are false because they are based on poor-quality data produced from studies that are agenda-driven. Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker (1) has written extensively about the anti-science movement in the lay press, and John Ioannidis from Stanford (2) is one of the most outspoken critics of the medical literature:There is increasing concern that most current published research findings are false…for many current scientific fields, claimed research findings may often be simply accurate measures of the prevailing bias


Prostate Cancer With Isolated Bony Metastasis: Sternal Struggle

A 70-year-old man presented with lower urinary tract symptoms including nocturia and frequency. Digital rectal examination revealed a 3+ prostate with bilateral increased firmness with no nodules, concerning for malignancy. The prostate-specific antigen (PSA) was elevated at 80 μg/L. There was no bony pain and no constitutional symptoms.



September 11-13, 2017


Radiation Therapy in Palestine: Not Only Money, But Also Real Accessibility

The Red Journal has started an interesting section called "Around the Globe," in which the level of availability, fruition, and improvement in radiation oncology is described by radiation oncologists in each country. Within this symbolic tour was a published report from Israel that caught our attention (1). In that report, we read that: "Today, Israel's population exceeds 8 million and is composed of 75% Jews and 25% non-Jews, mostly Arab." Furthermore, "[a]ccording to Israel National Cancer Registry data, in 2013, malignant disease was diagnosed in nearly 30,000 citizens.


Issue Highlights

Marples and Dhar


Treat All Known Disease

This patient (1) presents with oligometastatic, Gleason 5 + 4 adenocarcinoma, with a presenting prostate-specific antigen level of 80 μg/L. On the basis of the biopsy extension into periprostatic fat, he has T3a disease. He has been treated initially with androgen deprivation therapy and docetaxel. On the basis of the STAMPEDE data, he can expect a median response duration of 3 years and survival of 6 years (2). He may, however, not achieve this having a high-grade tumor, which predicts for a shorter response to androgen deprivation therapy.


First Results of a Phase 2 Trial of Once-Weekly Hypofractionated Breast Irradiation (WHBI) for Early-Stage Breast Cancer

To report early outcome analysis of a prospective institutional phase 2 trial of weekly hypofractionated breast irradiation (WHBI) for patients undergoing breast-conserving surgery (BCS).


Prostate-Specific Membrane Antigen PET Before Aggressive Local Therapy to the Sternum

In the absence of major competing medical comorbidities, durable local control will be a significant issue during the projected lifetime of this man (1). In men who present with such high-volume and high-grade (group 5) prostate disease concurrently with lower urinary tract symptoms, insufficient control long term is often observed with medical management alone.


Intriguing, but Not the Right Setting

Stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT) offers an intriguing treatment option for men with oligometastatic prostate cancer. Several series document that treatment of bony and nodal targets is associated with high local control and minimal toxicity (1). The use of SBRT to defer treatment with androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) (median 28 months in reference [1]) suggests a significant quality of life benefit.


Is It Time for New Target Volumes in Radiation Oncology?

Practice makes perfect. Whether in sports, music, or medicine, deliberate practice is required to achieve mastery in a given field. Author Malcolm Gladwell popularized this phenomenon, calling it the 10,000 hour rule, with the implication that roughly 20 hours per week of practice over 10 years is needed to reach an elite level of performance (1). Others have debated the exact number of hours required and the relative contributions of practice versus innate skills, but the overarching premise is well-established: repeated practice, with appropriate motivation, effort, and feedback, leads to improvements in performance (2).


In Reply to Peñagarícano

To the Editor: We thank the author for his interest in our publication (1, 2) and appreciate his "benign" comments. Please allow us to make some further remarks regarding this important topic. The author of the letter pointed out that there is a high acceptance of radiation therapy (RT) for benign diseases in Central Europe and very low acceptance in the Anglo-American countries (3). In fact, this may be due more to tradition than to evidence-based medicine (EBM). Clearly in Great Britain and the United States it refers to former bad experience with radiation treatment of nonmalignant diseases (4) and 3 randomized clinical trials showing no positive effect of low-dose RT (5-7).


Advancing Our Practice Through the Advanced Practice Radiation Therapist Model: Catching Up With Canada

Contemporary radiation oncology (RO) practice is facing numerous competing pressures in this era of high-quality, high-value, high-volume care. An aging population and modern medicine's conversion of many cancers into chronic conditions are expected to result in increased cancer incidence and prevalence, respectively (1-3). Complex, interdisciplinary patient management and survivorship needs are compounded by rapid and ongoing expansion of available treatments and technology in an environment of increasing budgetary considerations.


Phase I study of ipilimumab combined with whole brain radiation therapy or radiosurgery for melanoma patients with brain metastases

We initiated a phase I study to determine the maximum tolerable dose and toxicity of ipilimumab concurrently with radiotherapy in patients with brain metastases from melanoma. Based on burden of intracranial disease, patients were treated with WBRT or SRS with concurrent ipilimumab (3 mg/kg with escalation to 10 mg/kg). Ipilimumab 10 mg/kg with SRS was safe. The WBRT arm with ipilimumab 10 mg/kg closed early secondary to slow accrual. There were no grade 4/5 toxicities.


Combined Radiotherapy and Immune Checkpoint Blockade Therapy for Breast Cancer

Treatment with checkpoint inhibitors have shown durable responses in a number of solid tumors, including melanoma, lung, and renal cell carcinoma. However, most breast cancers are resistant to monotherapy with checkpoint inhibitors. Radiotherapy has been shown to have a number of immunostimulatory effects, including priming the immune system, recruiting immune cells to the tumor environment, and altering the immunosuppressive effects of the tumor microenvironment. Radiotherapy therefore represents a promising adjuvant therapy to checkpoint blockade in breast cancer.


Strain imaging detects dose-dependent segmental cardiac dysfunction in the acute phase post breast irradiation

Cardiac evaluation utilising the echocardiographic modality of two-dimensional strain imaging, was performed in forty chemotherapy naive patients with left sided breast cancer, undergoing radiotherapy. The detection of dose-related segmental cardiac dysfunction in the acute phase post breast irradiation has implications on its potential role in the screening and assessment of radiation related cardiotoxicity.


Quantification of Pediatric Abdominal Organ Motion with a 4-Dimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Method

We quantified organ motion in 35 pediatric patients with a 4D MRI method and investigated the association between organ motion and specific patient characteristics. Organ motion was associated with patient age and anatomical site. Both inter-organ and intra-organ variations were apparent, and individual variation was greater in older patients. We analyzed the organ motion data to determine whether they could be used to predict organ motion in prospective patients.


Incidence and predictors of pericardial effusion after chemoradiation therapy for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer

We investigated the incidence of and risk factors for pericardial effusion in patients with locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer in a prospective randomized controlled trial. Pericardial effusion occurred in nearly half of all patients even after moderate radiation doses to the heart. Adjuvant chemotherapy may increase the risk of pericardial effusion, and a cardiac V35 >10% may predict for the development of this toxicity


Hybrid and fully-etched surface implants in periodontally healthy patients: A comparative retrospective study on marginal bone loss



Human studies on implants with the same design but with different surfaces are lacking at the present time.


The aim of this study was to compare the survival rate of and marginal bone loss (MBL) around 2 types of implants with the same design, but with different surfaces: fully "sandblasted and double-etched" (SDE) implants and hybrid (H) implants, with an apical SDE-surface and a coronal machined-surface.

Materials and methods

The SDE- and H-surfaces were previously analyzed under SEM and profilometer. Implants were placed in partially edentulous periodontally healthy patients requiring single implant-restoration, in either mandible or maxilla, with cement-retained prosthetic restoration. Twelve months after prosthetic loading, MBL in relation to prosthetic abutment height (AH), calculated radiographically, was statistically analyzed.


SEM and profilometer analyses revealed no differences between the SDE-surfaces of either SDE- or H-implants. Transverse ridges and grooves characterized the machined portion of H-implants, clearly influencing the profilometer analysis. In 75 patients, 37 SDE and 38 H-implants were placed and all functioned completely after 12 months. In both SDE- and H-groups, MBL had a significant inverse relationship with AH, with greater intercept and negative slope for SDE-group and intersection of the 2 regression lines at AH = 2 mm.


A 100% survival rate was recorded for SDE- and H-implants placed in pristine bone of periodontally healthy patients; MBL was limited and similar in both SDE- and H-groups; the higher the prosthetic AH, the lesser the MBL around implants; H-implants could reduce bone loss most effectively with abutments lower than 2 mm, realistically exploitable on thin biotypes; SDE-implants could reduce bone loss most effectively with abutments greater than 2 mm, realistically exploitable on thick biotypes.


Do the nodules detected in chest X-rays always indicate a disease of lung parenchyma?


Laparoscopic sigmoidectomy combined with uterus excision for colouterine fistula caused by sigmoid colon diverticulitis: A case report


A case of colouterine fistula caused by colonic diverticulitis that was successfully treated laparoscopically is presented. A 74-year-old woman visited us with lower abdominal discomfort and vaginal excretion with minor fecal contamination. Mild tenderness was observed in her lower abdomen. Blood examinations revealed elevated white blood cell count and C-reactive protein. Sigmoid colon diverticulitis was revealed on CT, and her condition was diagnosed as colouterine fistula. Hinchey classification was stage I. After 2 weeks of conservative therapy, her symptoms were reduced, and the white blood cell count and C-reactive protein level decreased. However, fecal contaminated vaginal excretion continued. The patient underwent laparoscopic sigmoidectomy combined with uterus excision, and she has been in good health for the 3 years since the operation. Although colouterine fistula is usually treated with open surgery, patients with controlled and well-localized inflammation may be good candidates for a laparoscopic approach.



We are grateful to Drs Freedman and Finkelstein for their thoughtful analysis of our manuscript. The respondents appropriately point out that in our large, retrospective patient series, ventricular arrhythmias were rare, even after the administration of relatively large doses of ondansetron.


New Department of Veterans Affairs and Department of Defense Guidelines on Pain Management With Opioids: Comment and Concern

The Department of Veterans Affairs and the Department of Defense recently revised guidelines on prescribing opioids for the management of chronic noncancer pain. This is a timely update because the growth of opioid prescribing has been associated with parallel growth in diversion, overdose deaths, and addiction. However, clinicians will need more guidance on how to present and discuss all short- and long-term options with patients with chronic noncancer pain and on how to monitor, manage, and transition patients from the short-term to the long-term phase of pain management.


Triple Therapy Versus Biologic Therapy for Active Rheumatoid Arthritis A Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

The RACAT (Rheumatoid Arthritis Comparison of Active Therapies) trial found triple therapy to be noninferior to etanercept–methotrexate in patients with active rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
To determine the cost-effectiveness of etanercept–methotrexate versus triple therapy as a first-line strategy.
A within-trial analysis based on the 353 participants in the RACAT trial and a lifetime analysis that extrapolated costs and outcomes by using a decision analytic cohort model.
Data Sources:
The RACAT trial and sources from the literature.
Target Population:
Patients with active RA despite at least 12 weeks of methotrexate therapy.
Time Horizon:
24 weeks and lifetime.
Societal and Medicare.
Etanercept–methotrexate first versus triple therapy first.
Outcome Measures:
Incremental costs, quality-adjusted life years (QALYs), and incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs).
Results of Base-Case Analysis:
The within-trial analysis found that etanercept–methotrexate as first-line therapy provided marginally more QALYs but accumulated substantially higher drug costs. Differences in other costs between strategies were negligible. The ICERs for first-line etanercept–methotrexate and triple therapy were $2.7 million per QALY and $0.98 million per QALY over 24 and 48 weeks, respectively. The lifetime analysis suggested that first-line etanercept–methotrexate would result in 0.15 additional lifetime QALY, but this gain would cost an incremental $77 290, leading to an ICER of $521 520 per QALY per patient.
Results of Sensitivity Analysis:
Considering a long-term perspective, an initial strategy of etanercept–methotrexate and biologics with similar cost and efficacy is unlikely to be cost-effective compared with using triple therapy first, even under optimistic assumptions.
Data on the long-term benefit of triple therapy are uncertain.
Initiating biologic therapy without trying triple therapy first increases costs while providing minimal incremental benefit.
Primary Funding Source:
The Cooperative Studies Program, Department of Veterans Affairs Office of Research and Development, Canadian Institutes for Health Research, and an interagency agreement with the National Institutes of Health–American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.
