Limited information is available for normal biochemical reference values in captive Persian wild goats (Capra aegagrus). The objectives of this study were to establish reference values and to evaluate changes associated with gender and age for 22 mature, captured, clinically healthy Capra aegagrus. The reference values were obtained: glucose, 34.10–204.90 mg/dl; urea, 11.81–49.45 mg/dl; creatinine, 0.075–2.032 mg/dl; triglyceride, 15.71–84.90 mg/dl; cholesterol, 10.02–131.30 mg/dl; total bilirubin, 0.011–0.875 mg/dl; direct bilirubin, 0.0–0.079 mg/dl; indirect bilirubin, 0.011–0.875 mg/dl; total protein, 3.294–7.460 g/dl; albumin, 2.315–3.926 g/dl; globulin, 0.0–3.589 g/dl; calcium, 4.252–9.190 mg/dl; phosphorus, 0.421–24.668 mg/dl; magnesium, 0.021–4.330 mg/dl; iron, 35.88–148.60 μg/dl; AST, 49.63–134.60 U/L; ALT, 11.31–6.13 U/L; ALP, 68.88–1311.25 U/L; lipase, 11.90–59.701 U/L; and amylase 1.469–44.450 U/L. We found no significant difference between males and females with the exception of glucose, ALT, ALP, and amylase. Levels of glucose, ALT, ALP, and amylase were higher in males compared with the values obtained for females. No significant differences were found between various biochemical values in Capra aegagrus over and under 3 years with the exception of AST. AST had a higher activity in Capra aegagrus less than 3 years. Blood biochemical values determined in this study can be used as a guide for disease diagnosis in Capra aegagrus in Zoological Studies.