Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 22 Φεβρουαρίου 2018

Characterization and Manipulation of Spin Orbit Torque in Magnetic Heterostructures


Electrical-current-induced magnetization switching is a keystone concept in the development of spintronics devices. In the last few years, this field has experienced a significant boost with the discovery of spin orbit torque (SOT) in magnetic heterostructures. Here, the recent results as to the characterization and manipulation of SOT in various heavy-metal/ferromagnet heterostructures are summarized. First, different electrical measurement methods that allow the physical features of SOT to be revealed are introduced. Second, it is shown that SOT in magnetic heterostructures can be manipulated via various material engineering approaches. The interfacial and bulk contributions of SOT are also discussed. These results advance the understanding of SOT and provide novel approaches toward energy-efficient spintronic devices.

Thumbnail image of graphical abstract

Spin orbit torque (SOT) is emerging as an efficient magnetic-state control strategy for widespread modern memory and logic applications that are nonvolatile, scalable, and ultrafast. Recent developments on the characterization and manipulation of SOT in magnetic heterostructures are described, which lay the foundation for new-generation spintronic devices.


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