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Νοε 06
- Towards understanding the mechanisms of actions of...
- Co-existence of freshwater and marine T4-like myov...
- A dysbiosis index to assess microbial changes in f...
- High-throughput sequencing revealed novel Dehaloco...
- Tissue damage induced midgut stem cell proliferati...
- Comparison of Thaumarchaeotal populations from fou...
- Community structure of rare methanogenic archaea: ...
- Broad-range survey of vector-borne pathogens and t...
- Effects of host traits and land-use changes on the...
- Ammonia oxidisers in a non-nitrifying Brazilian sa...
- Free amino nitrogen concentration correlates to to...
- Zika virus (ZIKV) Replication is Substantially Inh...
- Validation of putative apicoplast targeting drugs ...
- Acinetobacter pittii from companion animals co-har...
- Cloning and Expression of Novel Aminoglycoside Pho...
- Environmental triazole induces cross-resistance to...
- Evaluation of Oritavancin Dosing Strategies agains...
- Overtreatment of Asymptomatic Candiduria among Hos...
- Combating multi-drug resistant pathogens with host...
- Comparative Assessment of Tedizolid Pharmacokineti...
- Activity of Meropenem-Vaborbactam in Mouse Models ...
- Metabolic Mitigation of Staphylococcus aureus Vanc...
- Improving Genomic Prediction in Cassava Field Expe...
- Characterization of a beta-glucosidase from Bacill...
- Effects of Spaceflight on Astronaut Brain Structur...
- The Dilemma of Two Innovative Therapies for Spinal...
- Single-Dose Gene-Replacement Therapy for Spinal Mu...
- Nusinersen versus Sham Control in Infantile-Onset ...
- The Success of Sinister Right-Handers in Baseball
- Officer of the Law
- Histopathological Findings in Brain Tissue Obtaine...
- Surgery for Drug-Resistant Epilepsy in Children
- Tezacaftor–Ivacaftor in Patients with Cystic Fibro...
- Tezacaftor–Ivacaftor in Residual-Function Heterozy...
- Single-Dose Gene-Replacement Therapy for Spinal Mu...
- Nusinersen versus Sham Control in Infantile-Onset ...
- Circling Back for the Diagnosis
- Fertility Preservation in Women
- A CRISPR Way to Diagnose Infectious Diseases
- Mandating Coverage for Fertility Preservation — A ...
- Control of innate-like B cell location for compart...
- Heme and hemolysis in innate immunity: adding insu...
- Pigmented Macule — A Skin Manifestation of Invasiv...
- Mandating Coverage for Fertility Preservation — A ...
- Fertility Preservation in Women
- Liposuction for Swelling in Patients with Lymphedema
- Nutritional Management of Chronic Kidney Disease
- Primary Care Spending Rate — A Lever for Encouragi...
- Circling Back for the Diagnosis
- Case 33-2017: 22-Month-Old Conjoined Twins
- Fertility Preservation in Women
- Button Magnets in the Nasal Cavity
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Liposuction for Swelling in Patients with Lymphedema
- Case 33-2017: 22-Month-Old Conjoined Twins
- Button Magnets in the Nasal Cavity
- Histopathological Findings in Brain Tissue Obtaine...
- Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
- Circling Back for the Diagnosis
- Back to the Future in Cardiogenic Shock — Initial ...
- PCI Strategies in Patients with Acute Myocardial I...
- Journal Clubs in Sports Medicine Fellowship Progra...
- Treatment of Primary Acute Patellar Dislocation: S...
- Neuromuscular Training Availability and Efficacy i...
- Neuroendocrine Dysfunction in a Young Athlete With...
- Depression, Anxiety, and Alcohol Use in Elite Rugb...
- Rankings of High School Sports Injury Rates Differ...
- Carbon Monoxide Exposure in Youth Ice Hockey
- Anterior Knee Impingement in a High-Level Football...
- Disparities in Athletic Trainer Staffing in Second...
- In Response to: Keep the Physical in Physical Educ...
- HIV Infection Manifesting as Proximal White Onycho...
- Cholera in Yemen — An Old Foe Rearing Its Ugly Head
- HIV Drug Resistance — An Emerging Threat to Epidem...
- A CRISPR Way to Diagnose Infectious Diseases
- A Renewed Focus on Maternal Health in the United S...
- Primary Care Spending Rate — A Lever for Encouragi...
- Understanding the Planned Parenthood Divide — Albe...
- Cholera in Yemen — An Old Foe Rearing Its Ugly Head
- Mandating Coverage for Fertility Preservation — A ...
- HIV Drug Resistance — An Emerging Threat to Epidem...
- Is There Merit in Merit Aid?
- Which Road to Universal Coverage?
- How to Think about "Medicare for All"
- The role of colorectal endoscopic submucosal disse...
- Utility of multi-detector CT scans after colorecta...
- Per-oral endoscopic myotomy in patients with or wi...
- Clinical predictors of histological type of gastri...
- Effects of EUS-guided intratumoral injection of ol...
- Upper GI involvement in children with familial ade...
- Programmed Death-1 Ligands, PD-L1 and PD-L2, Show ...
- Diagnostic Significance of Intratumoral CD8+ Tumor...
- Burkholderia Aortic Aneurysm: A Case Report and Re...
- Outcome after Radiotherapy for Langerhans Cell His...
- Value of elective radiation oncology rotations: ho...
- Functional Outcomes after De-Escalated Chemoradiat...
- PARP inhibition combined with thoracic radiation e...
- Low-dose hypersensitive response for residual pATM...
- Corrigendum to “Start-Up Characteristics of a Gran...
Νοε 06
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (5105)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (514)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (1038)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (793)
Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου
Δευτέρα 6 Νοεμβρίου 2017
Journal Clubs in Sports Medicine Fellowship Programs: Results From a National Survey and Recommendations for Quality Improvement
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Σχόλια ανάρτησης (Atom)
Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,0030693260717...
heory of COVID-19 pathogenesis Publication date: November 2020Source: Medical Hypotheses, Volume 144Author(s): Yuichiro J. Suzuki ScienceD...
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