Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 22 Ιουνίου 2017

Response of Local Nitric Oxide Release to Manual Acupuncture and Electrical Heat in Humans: Effects of Reinforcement Methods

This study was to examine the influences of manual acupuncture (MA) and electrical heat corresponding to reinforcing methods on nitric oxide (NO) release over the skin regions in humans. A device with collecting solution was taped to the skin surface along pericardium (PC) or lung (LU) meridian. Acupuncture needles were gently inserted into PC 4 with reinforcing stimulation (low force/rate) for 20 minutes in the MA group. LU11 on the finger was heated (43-44°C) by electrical heat for 20 minutes. Biocapture was consecutively conducted for two 20-minute intervals during and after each treatment. Total nitrite and nitrate () in the collecting samples were quantified using chemiluminescence in blinded fashion. Baseline levels are higher and tended to be higher over PC and LU acupoints during the 1st biocapture. levels over PC regions were consistently increased by MA during both intervals. concentrations over LU acupoints were increased and tended to be increased by electrical heat in the 1st and 2nd biocapture. The results suggest that reinforcing MA and electrical heat induce NO released from the local skin regions with higher levels at acupoints, which improve local circulation and contribute to the beneficial effects of the therapies.


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