Ear Nose Throat J. 2021 Nov 18:1455613211056550. doi: 10.1177/01455613211056550. Online ahead of print.
OBJECTIVE: We conducted this meta-analysis to compare the efficacy of these two surgical methods by comparing the incidence of major evaluation indicators.
METHODS: The databases such as PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library, China National Knowledge Infrastructure, Wanfang, and VIP information databases were searched.
RESULTS: The satisfaction rate of patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps was 86.5%, and the satisfaction rate of patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps was 87.9%. The incidence of postoperative hematoma was 3.2% in patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 18.9% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The incidence of postoperative skin necrosis was 2.2% in patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 4.1% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The incidence of postoperative incision infection was 3.1% in patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 0.9% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The incidence of cartilage framework exposure was 2.2% in patients with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 1.9% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The incidence of postoperative scar hyperplasia was 3.8% in pati ents with auricle reconstruction using expanded flaps and 3% in patients with auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps. The publication bias of included literature was evaluated by Egger test. There was no publication bias in this Meta-analysis (P > .05).
CONCLUSION: The auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps is dominant in four of the six evaluation indexes. Therefore, we believe that the auricle reconstruction using non-expanded flaps has better therapeutic effect in patients with microtia. Due to the limitations of this meta-analysis, the conclusions of this meta-analysis still need to be further verified.
PMID:34789039 | DOI:10.1177/01455613211056550
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