HNO. 2021 Nov 17. doi: 10.1007/s00106-021-01121-1. Online ahead of print.
BACKGROUND: This retrospective observational study was undertaken to assess the ENT emergency workload during the COVID-19 pandemic caused by the severe acute respiratory coronavirus‑2 (SARS-CoV-2).
MATERIALS AND METHODS: All 3230 patients who were treated as an emergency from 23.01.2020 to 06.08.2020 in the Department of Otolaryngology at the SLK-Kliniken Heilbronn were included in thi s study. Demographic data, diagnostics, diagnosis, and treatment (in-/outpatient) were retrospectively retrieved. Not only did the physicians on call triage the emergency department (ED) ENT patients, but the patients also self-assessed their urgency of treatment.
RESULTS: The number of patients consulting our ED decreased significantly during the pandemic, by 42.2%. However, the top diagnoses remained almost constant, with epistaxis being the most frequent diagnosis before, during, and after COVID-19. Facial trauma remained the second most frequent consultation reason. The hospitalization rate decreased from 21.9% before COVID-19 to 16.2% during the pandemic. Surgical therapy was necessary in 17.6% of patients before COVID-19 and this increased to 23.5% during COVID-19. The self-referral rate increased from 61 to 66% during the pandemic. More men than women consulted the ED during COVID-19. Regarding the triage assessment by the physician on call and the patient's self-assess ment, a significant discrepancy was noted before, during, and after COVID-19.
CONCLUSION: The reasons for reduction in ENT ED visits are multifactorial. The clinical consequences of decreased hospitalizations remain uncertain. However, health authorities need to advocate the safety of the hospital environment to limit potential damage.
PMID:34791514 | DOI:10.1007/s00106-021-01121-1
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