Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Σάββατο 2 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Back From the Brink: Retrieval of Membrane Proteins From Terminal Compartments

BioEssays Back From the Brink: Retrieval of Membrane Proteins From Terminal Compartments

Escaping the trash‐can of the cell – new machinery for efficient protein recycling from vacuoles or endolysosomes. New data has revealed that in both yeast and mammalian cells, membrane proteins can be recycled from compartments that are previously regarded as "terminal."

It has long been believed that membrane proteins present in degradative compartments such as endolysosomes or vacuoles would be destined for destruction. Now however, it appears that mechanisms and machinery exist in simple eukaryotes such as yeast and more complex organisms such as mammals that can rescue potentially "doomed" membrane proteins by retrieving them from these "late" compartments and recycling them back to the Golgi complex. In yeast, a sorting nexin dimer containing Snx4p can recognize and retrieve the Atg27p membrane protein while in mammals, the AP5 complex (with SPG11 and SPG15) directs the recycling of Golgi‐localized proteins along with the cation‐independent mannose 6‐phosphate receptor (CIMPR). Although the respective machinery is different, there is much commonality between yeast and mammals regarding the mechanisms of retrieval and the physiological importance of these late recycling pathways.


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