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Δεκ 29
- Immunological hallmarks of cis -DDP-resistant Lewi...
- Progression to bone-marrow carcinomatosis and extr...
- The Focused History and Physical - circa 100 BCE
- An overview on Vadimezan (DMXAA), the vascular dis...
- FDA Clears Stereotactic Radiotherapy System for Us...
- Difference in causes and prognostic factors of ear...
- Association between hemorrhagic transformation aft...
- Cover, Ed Board and TOC
- Study protocol for a multicentre, randomised, cont...
- Pneumonia diagnosis in childhood and incidence of ...
- Wait a minute? An observational cohort study compa...
- Azithromycin to prevent post-discharge morbidity a...
- Association between total dose of ritodrine hydroc...
- Pharmacological interventions for preventing post-...
- Development and validation of a priori risk model ...
- Prevalence of mental ill health, traumas and postm...
- Effect of whole-body vibration exercise in prevent...
- Patterns of routine primary care for osteoarthriti...
- Neighbourhood socioeconomic status and cross-secti...
- Open peroral endoscopic myotomy for achalasia with...
- The usefulness of argon plasma coagulation ablatio...
- RING-finger protein 6 amplification activates JAK/...
- Genomics-Driven Precision Medicine for Advanced Pa...
- CD47 Blockade as an Adjuvant Immunotherapy for Res...
- Sequencing of Linkage Region on Chromosome 12p11 I...
- Understanding EMS Scheduling Software & The Web of...
- Platinum Educational Group Prepares for New CoAEMS...
- A Case of Fatal Pulmonary Hypoplasia with Congenit...
- Ineffective Erythropoiesis: Anemia and Iron Overload
- Machine Guns Underwater
- Isolated central nervous system post-transplant ly...
- The structure of the FACT-Cog v3 in cancer patient...
- Old Friends: Maintaining the Physician-Patient Con...
- Morphometric diagnosis of Glossina palpalis (Dipte...
- Use of the Hippocratic or other professional oaths...
- Acupuncture for patients with mild to moderate Alz...
- Phoyunnanin E inhibits migration of non-small cell...
- Acacia hydaspica R. Parker prevents doxorubicin-in...
- Danshen extract circumvents drug resistance and re...
- Correction to: Ficus sycomorus extract reversed be...
- Chromatin Immunoprecipitation (ChIP) of Histone Mo...
- Post-ERCP infection and its epidemiological and cl...
- Urinary pathogenic bacterial profile, antibiogram ...
- Human Bronchial Epithelial Cell–derived Factors fr...
- Regulators of G-Protein Signaling as Asthma Therapy?
- RGS4 Overexpression in Lung Attenuates Airway Hype...
- Genetic Variation in MAP3K1 Associates with Ventil...
- A Circulating MicroRNA Signature Serves as a Diagn...
- High-Mobility Group Box 1 Upregulates MUC5AC and M...
- Oxygen Administration Improves Survival but Worsen...
- January Highlights/Papers by Junior Investigators/...
- Sirtuin1 Protects against Systemic Sclerosis–relat...
- Deletion of c-FLIP from CD11bhi Macrophages Preven...
- Immunomodulatory Cell Therapy to Target Cystic Fib...
- Biomarkers in Sarcoidosis: Can microRNAs Fill the ...
- Hypercapnic Acidosis Regulates Mer Tyrosine Kinase...
- β2-Agonists Enhance Asthma-Relevant Inflammatory M...
- Chlorine Countermeasures: Supplemental Oxygen Equa...
- CD34 Differentially Regulates Contractile and Nonc...
- Monocyte-derived Alveolar Macrophages: The Dark Si...
- Is Asthma Paying the Toll?
- Toll-Like Receptor 7/8 Ligand, S28463, Suppresses ...
- Semaphorins and Their Roles in Airway Biology: Pot...
- Palliative Care Planner: A Pilot Study to Evaluate...
- Facilitators and Barriers to Positive Airway Press...
- Long-Term Oxygen Therapy: The Three Big Questions
- Distinct Phenotypes of Smokers with Fixed Airflow ...
- Severe Airflow Obstruction in a Man with Stomatiti...
- Fitting Positive Airway Pressure Adherence into Te...
- Combined Pulmonary Fibrosis and Emphysema
- Mind the Gap: Addressing Provider-Level Barriers t...
- Comments on “Stressing the Brain...Acute Respirato...
- Early Respiratory Bacterial Detection and Antistap...
- Reply: A New Direction: Sleep and Neuropsychologic...
- The Public Health Conundrum of Coal Mining
- Discovering Pediatric Asthma Phenotypes on the Bas...
- Patient Perceptions of the Adequacy of Supplementa...
- Subacute Respiratory Illness with Peripheral Pulmo...
- Reply: Comments on “Stressing the Brain…Acute Resp...
- The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Experience...
- Out of One, Many: Moving beyond a Single Guideline...
- The Value and Application of the 6-Minute-Walk Tes...
- The Long-Term Oxygen Treatment Trial for Chronic O...
- A Simple and Low-cost Assay for Measuring Ambulati...
- FirstNet now available for first responders across...
- Hepatitis B virus infection in hilly/mountainous r...
- Influenza vaccine effectiveness against influenza-...
- The aetiologies of central nervous system infectio...
- An evaluation of a recombinant multiepitope based ...
- Improved performance of Xpert MTB/RIF assay on spu...
- Visualizing Intracellular SNARE Trafficking by Flu...
- The relationship between lower limb muscle volume ...
- Nucleoli cytomorphology in cutaneous melanoma cell...
- An Interpretable Machine Learning Model for Accura...
- Update of a Systematic Review of Autoresuscitation...
- Explaining the Origin of Three-Membrane-Bound Plas...
- Methylphenidate disrupts cytoskeletal homeostasis ...
- Swyer-James Syndrome
- The z-Score Does Not Predict Mortality Because of ...
- Psychological Outcomes after Critical Illness. Is ...
Δεκ 29
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (5105)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (514)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (1038)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (793)
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Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,0030693260717...
heory of COVID-19 pathogenesis Publication date: November 2020Source: Medical Hypotheses, Volume 144Author(s): Yuichiro J. Suzuki ScienceD...
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