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Νοε 17
- Prognosis of sentinel lymph node biopsy in patient...
- Navigating the Clinical Translation of Medical Dev...
- Thalamic volume reduction in drug-naive patients w...
- Prevalence of health services usage and associated...
- The association between gastro-oesophageal reflux ...
- Physical activity in former elite cricketers and s...
- Interpretation of health news items reported with ...
- Effect of ephedrine and phenylephrine on brain oxy...
- Early vasopressor use following traumatic injury: ...
- Subclinical Propionibacterium acnes infection esti...
- Contribution of short sleep duration to ethnic dif...
- Protocol of the sepsivit study: a prospective obse...
- Exploring the effects of transfers and readmission...
- The physical and mental health problems of refugee...
- Systematic review of disparities in surgical care ...
- Suspended animation: the past, present and future ...
- Pretreatment advanced lung cancer inflammation ind...
- Effect of Transfusion on Mortality and Other Adver...
- The authors reply
- Effects of High-Flow Nasal Cannula on the Work of ...
- The Epidemiology of Chronic Critical Illness After...
- The author replies
- Effects of Hyperoxia During Resuscitation From Hem...
- The authors reply
- Serial Daily Organ Failure Assessment Beyond ICU D...
- Emotional Impact of End-of-Life Decisions on Profe...
- Pediatric Arrhythmias and EKGs for the Health Care...
- Time Course of Septic Shock in Immunocompromised a...
- Sepsis Reduces Bone Strength Before Morphologic Ch...
- Pediatric Sepsis Endotypes Among Adults With Sepsis
- Racial Differences in Palliative Care Use After St...
- Expanding the neurodevelopmental phenotype of PURA...
- Unique association of hypochondroplasia with crani...
- p.Arg69Trp in RNASEH2C is a founder variant in thr...
- A model to characterize psychopathological feature...
- The Influence of Genetic Stability on Aspergillus ...
- Rapid and Efficient CRISPR/Cas9-Based Mating-Type ...
- Co-occurring Alterations Affect Outcomes in EGFR-M...
- Inflammation-Induced IgA+ Cells Promote Hepatocell...
- The Active Conformation of Integrin {beta}7 May Be...
- High BCAT1 Expression Mimics IDH Mutations in Acut...
- The extracellular membrane-proximal domain of memb...
- Influence of Enzalutamide on Cabazitaxel Pharmacok...
- Interferon- 2; signaling in melanocytes and melano...
- Predictors of early-onset post-ischemic stroke dep...
- New roles and controls of mast cells
- Recent advances in inflammasome biology
- Type I interferon-mediated autoinflammation and au...
- Mechanisms of propofol attenuation of ketamine-ind...
- Natural History of Infantile-Onset Spinal Muscular...
- Mitochondrial DNA changes in pedunculopontine chol...
- NeuroNEXT Is At Your Service
- The analysis of novel microRNA mimic sequences in ...
- Associations Between Nucleus Size, and Immunohisto...
- You Will Never Walk Alone: A Simulation Experience...
- Role of Urine Drug Testing in the Current Opioid E...
- Dr Ted Eger Obituary
- The “Ear-Sternal Notch” Line—How Should You Lie?
- The Search for the Optimal Tidal Volume: Why Do We...
- General Anesthesia Imposes Negative Effects on Hea...
- When Is “Never Enough” (Data) … Enough?
- Noninfectious Fever in the Near-Term Pregnant Rat ...
- Intraoperative Anemia Monitoring: Another Obstacle...
- Subcellular Energetics and Metabolism: A Cross-Spe...
- The Aortocaval Compression Conundrum
- Do No Harm, Except Unto Thyself
- Do You Do What I Do? Cardiac Anesthesia Surveys Fr...
- Effect of an Intravenous Dexamethasone Added to Ca...
- Association of Surgery and Anesthesia With Mental ...
- Opioid Prescribing for the Treatment of Acute Pain...
- Health care workers’ knowledge, attitudes and prac...
- Using Integrative Medicine in Pain Management: An ...
- Massive Transfusion Protocols: When to Turn On, an...
- Initiation and Termination of Massive Transfusion ...
- TSPO imaging using the novel PET ligand [ 18 F]GE-...
- Understanding the molecular basis of acute myeloid...
- Chronic lymphocytic leukemia: “The times they are ...
- The influence of antiretroviral therapy on clinica...
- Editor of Biometrika
- On two-stage estimation of structural instrumental...
- Doubly robust nonparametric inference on the avera...
- Blocking strategies and stability of particle Gibb...
- Differential network analysis via lasso penalized ...
- A $C_p$ criterion for semiparametric causal inference
- Optimal designs for active controlled dose-finding...
- Partition-based ultrahigh-dimensional variable scr...
- Robust rank estimation for transformation models w...
- Distribution-free tests of independence in high di...
- Principal component analysis and the locus of the ...
- Estimating network edge probabilities by neighbour...
- Semiparametric analysis of complex polygenic gene-...
- Contours and dimple for the Gneiting class of spac...
- Bayesian local extremum splines
- Median bias reduction of maximum likelihood estimates
- Projection correlation between two random vectors
- Dependent generalized functional linear models
- Inducing Cre-lox Recombination in Mouse Cerebral C...
- Chest Pain From Hypermobility Responding to Physic...
- Standard and Amputation-Adjusted Body Mass Index M...
- Health-Related Quality of Life and Cancer-Related ...
Νοε 17
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (5105)
- ► Δεκεμβρίου (514)
- ► Σεπτεμβρίου (1038)
- ► Φεβρουαρίου (793)
Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου
Παρασκευή 17 Νοεμβρίου 2017
Noninfectious Fever in the Near-Term Pregnant Rat Induces Fetal Brain Inflammation: A Model for the Consequences of Epidural-Associated Maternal Fever
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Αλέξανδρος Γ. Σφακιανάκης Medicine by Alexandros G. Sfakianakis,Anapafseos 5 Agios Nikolaos 72100 Crete Greece,00302841026182,0030693260717...
heory of COVID-19 pathogenesis Publication date: November 2020Source: Medical Hypotheses, Volume 144Author(s): Yuichiro J. Suzuki ScienceD...
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