Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τρίτη 29 Αυγούστου 2017

The Needs and Resources of Drug Information at Community Pharmacies in Gondar Town, Northwest Ethiopia

Background. Community pharmacists are in a key position to provide information on drugs and thus promote the rational use of drugs. Objectives. The present study was designed to determine the needs and resources of drug information in community pharmacies. Methods. A prospective institution based cross-sectional study was carried out and data were collected on 48 community pharmacists in Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia, using interviewer administered structured questionnaire. Results. Almost all pharmacists (, 97.9%) often receive drug related queries and these were mainly from consumers (, 85.4%). While most questions relate to drug price (, 60.4%) and dosage (, 43.8%), the information resources mainly referred to were drug package inserts and national standard treatment guidelines. However, limited availability of information resources as well as limited ability to retrieve relevant information influenced the practice of pharmacists. Female pharmacists claimed better use of different information resources than males (). Conclusions. Community pharmacists in Gondar, Northwest Ethiopia, are often accessed for drug related information. But there are limitations in using up to date and most reliable resources. Therefore, intervention aimed at improving pharmacists' access to and evaluation of drug information is urgently needed.


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