Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Πέμπτη 3 Αυγούστου 2017

Anti-epileptic activity of Nelumbo nucifera fruit


Epilepsy is the most commonly encountered neurological disorder affecting around 70 million people worldwide, out of which approximately 80% belongs to developing countries. Several shortcomings appeared with the use of conventional antiepileptic agents like, inadequate seizure control, side effects and cost which limit their use. Thus extensive studies are necessary to investigate the pharmacological effects of plants, which would facilitate discovery of novel drugs from herbal source permitting their use to benefit mankind. Hence current study was focused to evaluate the anti-epileptic potential of Nelumbo nucifera fruit in order to ascertain its therapeutic potential. Anti-epileptic activity was assessed using strychnine induced seizure model in 35 male Wister rats divided in five groups i.e. control, reference and 3 test groups. Each group was composed of 7 animals and was given 2% gum tragacanth (control), diazepam 1 mg/kg PO (reference) and N. nucifera fruit 50, 100 and 200 mg/kg PO (test) OD for 15 days. N. nucifera fruit extract at 200 mg/kg exhibited extremely noteworthy delay in the inception of convulsions as compared to control however duration of convulsions was increased significantly but intensity of convulsions was reduced resulting in better survival rate i.e. 42.85% which was comparable to diazepam. Therefore it can be concluded that N. nucifera fruit may be valuable in managing epilepsy but further studies are required on large number of animals to confirm these findings.


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