Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 20 Φεβρουαρίου 2019

Correlations between the Levels of the Main Extracellular Matrix Components in Mouse Liver in Chronic BCG-Induced Granulomatosis

Correlations between extracellular matrix components in mouse liver revealed the pathogenetically determined dynamic structure of these interrelations (some correlations appeared while others disappeared) at various terms of BCG-induced granulomatosis. The correlations between the studied parameters were strong during the first (postinfection days 3-10) and the second (postinfection days 60-90) periods but became moderate during the third period manifested by chronic inflammation (postinjection day 180). The greatest number of correlations was observed at the beginning of the stabilization period (postinjection day 60). At this period, the content of all structural components of hepatic proteoglycans closely correlated with that of hydroxyproline. These findings attested to systemic changes in metabolism of extracellular matrix components and interrelation between some structural units of proteoglycans in the liver and the components of extracellular matrix in the lungs. The common and typical organ-specific correlations in the liver and lungs suggest the existence of correlations between different organs during progression of BCG-induced granulomatosis.


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