Αρχειοθήκη ιστολογίου

Αναζήτηση αυτού του ιστολογίου

Τετάρτη 24 Ιανουαρίου 2018

Post-cholecystectomy partial biliary stricture leading to primary intrahepatic calculi


A 40-year-old woman presented with complaints of pain in the right hypochondrium and intermittent high-grade fever with chills for 3 months. She had a history of waxing and waning jaundice for the last 2 months. She had undergone open cholecystectomy 15 years back. Abdominal examination revealed a non-tender hepatomegaly. Blood investigations showed a deranged liver function suggestive of obstructive biliary pathology. Total bilirubin level was raised (4.6 mg/dL) with predominant direct component (3.5 mg/dL). Her serum alkaline phosphatase was elevated (1683 U/L) but transaminase levels were within normal range.

An abdominal ultrasound showed mild hepatomegaly with bilateral intrahepatic biliary radicle dilation. Multiple calculi were present in the intrahepatic bile ducts and a hypoechoic shadow was seen near hilum. In view of suspected mass lesion at hilum, an abdominal CT scan was obtained that showed thickening of the common hepatic duct. Intrahepatic ducts were grossly dilated and were filled with multiple...


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